compose ******* .. highlight:: python .. tip:: The ``compose`` app is part of our *super simple CMS* site which can be cloned from here: The ``compose`` app extends the :doc:`app-block` app and allows an administrator to create new pages and sections. Ordering ======== The ``block`` and ``compose`` apps supports ordering of blocks on the ``master`` branch. Older projects which have not been converted to use ordering, must use the ``962-legacy-block-order`` branch. Compose ======= To use the predefined content models in the ``compose`` app, add the following to ``project/``:: url(regex=r'^compose/', view=include('compose.urls.compose') ), Article ------- See the template in ``compose/page_article.html``. This is used by the home page of the example app. Feature ------- Provides a page section with a title, description and a picture See the template ``compose/page_feature.html`` (this uses the ``compose/_event_feature.html`` snippet which displays events using the feature block). This page is not created when the ``example_cms`` app is initialised so you need to log in to the ``example_cms`` app as ``admin`` and follow this procedure to configure it. .. note:: Please note this page also uses a header block so you need to configure it (see the section below). Create a section (*Dashboard* | *Section*):: Name Feature A Slug feature_a Block app compose Block model Feature Create url compose.feature.create Create a template called ``compose/page_feature.html`` (*Dashboard* | *Template*). Add the *Feature A* section created above. Create a Feature style called ``Event`` css class ``event`` (*Settings* | *Feature Styles*) Create a page that uses the ``page_feature`` template (*Dashboard* | *Create Page*) You can now manage the content on this page using design mode. Header ------ Provides a page section that displays a header. See the template ``page_feature.html``. In addition to the steps above... Create a section (*Dashboard* | *Section*):: Name Header A Slug header_a Block app compose Block model Header Create url compose.header.create Add this section to the template ``compose/page_feature.html`` created above (*Dashboard | *Template*) You can now manage the content on this page using design mode. News (including Twitter) ======================== To add the news section to the article template... Add ``humanize`` to ``DJANGO_APPS``:: DJANGO_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.humanize', Add the news section to the article template:: init_app_compose_news Override the view where you want to display the news and Twitter feed. Return your ``twitter`` user name e.g:: from block.views import ( CmsMixin, PageTemplateView, ) class CmsHomePageView(CmsMixin, PageTemplateView): def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context.update(dict(twitter='pkimber')) return context Snippets ======== Template snippets useful with panels: - ``_contact_details.html`` - use an article to display contact details - ``_map_section.html`` - display a map section - ``_navigation.html`` - display a menu defined in Menuitem model - ``_panel.html`` - display a panel calling snippets defined in Section model - ``_panel_contact.html`` - display a panel which also contains a contact form - ``_slideshow.html`` - display a bxslider slideshow - ``base_company.html`` - base template that can be extended for a company site (extends ``base_generic.html``). - ``base_generic.html`` - define a basic site For more information, see `Commit - Add template snippets`_. .. _`Commit - Add template snippets`: