Contact ******* .. highlight:: python The new version of the contact app (branch ``2953-ember``) stores multiple email addresses, phone numbers and postal addresses for each contact. .. note:: The ``email`` address in the ``User`` is not indexed by ElasticSearch. All email addresses should be stored in the ``ContactEmail`` model (migration 0006_auto_20180417_0736_ handles this automatically). Icon ==== :: Management Commands =================== :: rebuild_contact_index refresh_contact_index Model ===== Define the contact model in ``settings/`` (or in ``example_app/`` for an app):: CONTACT_MODEL = "contact.Contact" To get the actual contact model, create a ``get_contact_model`` function (perhaps in ````) e.g:: from django.apps import apps from django.conf import settings def get_contact_model(): return apps.get_model(settings.CONTACT_MODEL) Templates and Mixins ==================== .. tip:: All projects which use the ``contact`` app should provide a *detail* URL named ``contact.detail``. ``ContactDetailMixin`` ---------------------- :: from braces.views import LoginRequiredMixin, StaffuserRequiredMixin from django.views.generic import DetailView, TemplateView from contact.views import ContactDetailMixin class ContactDetailView( LoginRequiredMixin, StaffuserRequiredMixin, ContactDetailMixin, BaseMixin, DetailView, ): pass :: from .views import ContactDetailView re_path( r"^contact/(?P\d+)/$", view=ContactDetailView.as_view(), name="contact.detail", ), ````:: from contact.tests.factories import UserContactFactory @pytest.mark.django_db def test_contact_detail(perm_check): user_contact = UserContactFactory() url = reverse("contact.detail", args=[]) perm_check.staff(url) .. tip:: The ``example_contact/templates/example/contact_detail.html`` example template shows an example of how to use the two contact detail views:: {% include 'contact/contact_detail.html' %} {% include 'contact/contact_detail_multi.html' %} ``ContactListMixin`` -------------------- :: from contact.views import ContactListMixin class ContactListView( LoginRequiredMixin, StaffuserRequiredMixin, ContactListMixin, BaseMixin, ListView, ): template_name = "example/contact_list.html" .. tip:: We also have a ``contact/templates/contact/_contact_list.html`` which can be included in your own templates if required:: {% include 'contact/_contact_list.html' %} :: re_path( r"^contact/$", view=ContactListView.as_view(), name="contact.list" ), :: @pytest.mark.django_db def test_contact_list(perm_check): url = reverse("contact.list") perm_check.staff(url) .. _user_contact_redirect_view: ``UserContactRedirectView`` --------------------------- This is a standard view which redirects from a user ``pk`` to a contact detail view. It is used by the ``app-gdpr``. :: from django.views.generic import RedirectView class UserContactRedirectView(RedirectView): permanent = False def get_redirect_url(self, *args, **kwargs): pk = kwargs["user_pk"] contact = Contact.objects.get(user__pk=pk) return reverse("contact.detail", args=[]) :: from .views import UserContactRedirectView re_path( r"^user/(?P\d+)/redirect/$", view=UserContactRedirectView.as_view(), name="", ), Search ====== To create a simple contact search:: from import ContactIndex from search.views import SearchViewMixin class SearchView(LoginRequiredMixin, StaffuserRequiredMixin, SearchViewMixin): INDEX_CHOICES = (("contact", "Contact"),) INDEX_CLASSES = {"contact": ContactIndex} :: re_path( r"^example/search/$", view=SearchView.as_view(), name="", ), .. tip:: This is using the standard URL name for a site wide search i.e. ````. .. _0006_auto_20180417_0736: