Work **** The ``work`` app is our generic extension to the ``workflow`` app. The ``Flow`` database model is a link to the *Flowable* process. Apps ==== The workflow app (:doc:`app-apps`) is **not** used to control access to the REST / Ember API (`Ticket 5555`_). For now, the ``App`` model is just used to help people find their way to the Ember app. API === Add the ``apiUrl`` variable to the start process of the workflow. This will add the URL of the API to the variables for the process. Create Workflow --------------- Use a script task to set the following parameters:: var ObjectMapper = com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; var data = {}; data.processKey = "navigatorTrainingTwo"; data.processId = execution.getProcessInstanceId(); # comma separated list of user IDs e.g. '1,2,3' data.userPks = execution.getVariable("userPk"); var httpTaskData = JSON.stringify(data); var json = new ObjectMapper().readTree(httpTaskData); execution.setVariable("httpTaskData", json);]]> .. note:: Additional variables will be added to the new workflow (if they are included in the start event). ``POST`` to this URL in an HTTP task:: ${apiUrl}/workflow/ Refresh Workflow ---------------- Update the workflow variables. Useful for long running process where information may change over time e.g. the manager for an employee. ``PUT`` to this URL in an HTTP task:: ${apiUrl}/refresh-variables/${execution.getProcessInstanceId()}/ Django ====== To create a workflow: http://localhost:8000/work/create/ Ember vs Django =============== The BPMN (XML) file includes a ``formKey`` e.g:: flowable:formKey="work" The value of the ``formKey`` is processed by the ``build_django_url`` function in ``workflow/`` to determine if the task form should be displayed using Django or Ember. Django ------ The ``build_django_url`` function in ``workflow/`` decides whether to use Django or Ember for the task form. The ``work`` app has a ``work`` URL name which can be used to display a task using a Django form. Ember ----- To use an Ember form to process a task, set the ``formKey`` to an empty string. .. warning:: The information returned from ``build_django_url`` (see above) is passed to Ember via the API, so the following may no longer be useful (or may need to be updated) (PJK 17/05/2023). The ``Task::List::TaskUrl`` component decides whether to use Django or Ember for a task:: front/addon/components/task/list/task-url.hbs .. tip:: If the task should be handled by Ember, ``is_work`` will be ``true``. When the task is completed, we redirect to the next task. The code for handling this is ``taskRedirectTask`` in:: front/addon/controllers/task/form.js To handle all tasks using the Ember UI: 1. Remove ``else`` from ``task-url.hbs`` 2. Update ``taskRedirectTask`` so all tasks ``transitionToRoute``. 3. Remove ``{{#if task.is_work}}`` from ``addon/templates/task/form.hbs``. .. tip:: 13/10/2023, Our ``task/form/str`` component has support for Markdown in the help text, but has not been added elsewhere (yet) For more information, see :ref:`dev-ember-addons-kb-markdown`. .. _`Ticket 5555`: