Captcha ******* .. highlight:: python For documentation, see Sign up to reCAPTCHA on You will receive a site key and a secret key... .. tip:: If you want to use the Captcha on your laptop from http://localhost:8000/, then add ``localhost`` to the list of domains. In the salt ``sls`` file for your site, add the ``norecaptcha_site_key`` and the ``norecaptcha_secret_key`` e.g: .. code-block:: yaml norecaptcha_site_key: norecaptcha_secret_key: .. note:: Replace ```` and ```` with the actual reCAPTCHA keys. Add the following to ``requirements/base.txt``:: django-recaptcha .. tip: See :doc:`requirements` for the current version. Add the following to ``settings/``:: THIRD_PARTY_APPS = ( "django_recaptcha", # ... ) Add the following to ``settings/``:: # RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = get_env_variable('NORECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY') RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = get_env_variable('NORECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY') # RECAPTCHA_REQUIRED_SCORE = 0.85 .. tip:: For testing, do **not** set ``RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY`` or ``RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY``. Google provides test keys which are set as the default. To add a captcha field to your form:: from django_recaptcha.fields import ReCaptchaField from django_recaptcha.widgets import ReCaptchaV3 class EnquiryForm(RequiredFieldForm): captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV3) Testing ======= Add the following to your local settings file e.g. ``settings/``:: SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = ["django_recaptcha.recaptcha_test_key_error"] From `Django reCAPTCHA, Unit Testing`_:: data = { "name": "Patrick", "captcha": "123", "g-recaptcha-response": "PASSED", } response ="example.enquiry.create"), data) .. tip:: Make sure to add ``captcha`` to the ``data``. .. note:: No need to use ``os.environ["RECAPTCHA_TESTING"] = "True"`` in tests any more! .. note:: ``g-recaptcha-response`` has replaced ``recaptcha_response_field``. .. note:: For testing, do **not** set ``RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY`` or ``RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY``. Google provides test keys which are set as the default. .. _`Django reCAPTCHA, Unit Testing`: