Django Migrations ***************** .. highlight:: python .. _django-migrations-file-system-storage: FileSystemStorage ================= Django ``makemigrations`` auto-generates the ``location`` for a ``FileField`` as follows:: migrations.AlterField( model_name="awards", name="certificate", field=models.FileField( blank=True, location=pathlib.PurePosixPath( "/home/patrick/dev/project/hatherleigh_info/media-private" ) ), upload_to="awards/certificate/user", ), ), The ``location`` appears to do nothing (when used with our ``private_file_store``. For details, see :ref:`django-media-private-file-store`) To solve the issue (until we know better) use the following for the ``storage`` parameter::, Swappable Dependency ==================== To use a swappable dependency in a migration, e.g. ``CONTACT_MODEL``:: from django.conf import settings dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.CONTACT_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Candidate', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(serialize=False, verbose_name='ID', auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), # ... # replace: # ('contact', models.OneToOneField(to='example_job.Contact')), # with: ('contact', models.OneToOneField(to=settings.CONTACT_MODEL)), ], # ... ), Workflow ======== Create an automatic migration: .. code-block:: bash makemigrations yourappname Create a data migration: .. code-block:: bash makemigrations --empty yourappname Run: .. code-block:: bash migrate Default Value for Foreign Keys ============================== To set-up default states for foreign keys... Create a ``default`` function e.g:: def default_payment_state(): return PaymentState.objects.get(slug=PaymentState.DUE).pk .. warning:: This function **must** return an integer (the primary key) or it won't work with migrations. Then... follow one of two strategies... 1) Create All Models -------------------- Create all the models without defaults - then add the defaults later. Create your models and allow the foreign key to be set to ``null`` e.g:: class Payment(TimeStampedModel): state = models.ForeignKey( PaymentState, #default=default_payment_state, blank=True, null=True ) Create the migrations for all your models .. _django_migrations_defaults: Create a data migration and use it to set-up the defaults for your state model e.g:: def _init_state(model, slug, name): try: model.objects.get(slug=slug) except model.DoesNotExist: instance = model(**dict(name=name, slug=slug)) instance.full_clean() def default_state(apps, schema_editor): state = apps.get_model('pay', 'PaymentState') _init_state(state, 'approved', 'Approved') _init_state(state, 'pending', 'Pending') _init_state(state, 'rejected', 'Rejected') class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython(default_state), ] Set the foreign key so it has a default and no longer accepts ``null`` e.g:: class Payment(TimeStampedModel): state = models.ForeignKey( PaymentState, default=default_payment_state, #blank=True, #null=True ) Update the migrations so the default value is set. 2) Lookup Model First --------------------- Create the lookup model - then add the dependant models later This strategy is simple and logical, but isn't suitable if you are moving from South and creating the first migration. To move from South, all current models need to be in the ```` file. Create the model which will contain the default value (don't create the model which depends on it) e.g:: class PaymentState(TimeStampedModel): DUE = 'due' name = models.CharField(max_length=100) slug = models.SlugField(unique=True) Create migrations for this model Create a data migration and use it to set-up the defaults for your state model (e.g. django_migrations_defaults_ from the example above). Create the model which uses the foreign key e.g:: class Payment(TimeStampedModel): state = models.ForeignKey(PaymentState, default=default_payment_state) Create the migration for this model Remove an app from a project ============================ .. note:: I can't find a good way to do this. Most recently I used *Method 2*. Method #1 --------- Removing an app from a project does not remove the tables from the database automatically. To remove the tables use the command:: django-admin migrate zero If the app has already been removed and you removed the tables manually, the migration tables may be out of step with the database which will cause an issue if you want to reintroduce the app. To fix this use the command:: django-admin migrate zero --fake Method #2 --------- .. warning:: Do **NOT** drop the table unless you are sure you don't need the data! If you can't get the above working, then you can just delete the app, then run the following to remove the migrations and drop the tables e.g: .. code-block:: sql delete from django_migrations where app = 'report'; drop table report_reportdata; drop table report_report;