Development Environment *********************** .. highlight:: bash .. note:: For Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Packages ======== Install the following:: sudo locale-gen en_GB.utf8 sudo update-locale en_GB.utf8 Development tools (install ``vim`` or an editor of your choosing):: sudo apt install build-essential curl mercurial git vim wget .. note:: Do we need to install ``wget``? Configure git with your email and name:: git config --global "" git config --global "Your Name" .. tip:: To remove the ``a/`` and ``b/`` prefixes from the ``diff`` output: ``git config --global diff.noprefix true`` (for more information, see `diff.noprefix`_) If you wish to use the scripts from `dev-scripts`_ install ``gawk``:: sudo apt install gawk .. tip:: If installing on versions earlier than 14.04 use ``apt-get``. python development:: sudo apt install python3-dev # pillow # for ubuntu 14.04 sudo apt install libtiff4-dev # for ubuntu 15.10 and later including 16.04 sudo apt install libtiff5-dev sudo apt install libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev sudo apt install liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev python-tk # for readline sudo apt install libncurses5-dev # if you have issues with setuptools e.g. Requirement.parse('setuptools>=0.8')) wget -O - | sudo python Postgres:: sudo apt install postgresql libpq-dev MySQL (if you plan to develop using MySQL):: sudo apt install mysql-server mysql-client default-libmysqlclient-dev ODBC (if you plan to develop using odbc):: sudo apt install unixodbc-dev Redis:: sudo apt install redis-server python ====== :: apt install python3.9-venv To create a ``virtualenv``:: python3 -m venv venv-for-app source venv-for-app/bin/ bash and zsh ============ A simple script for directory based environments (if a directory contains a ``.env`` file it will automatically be executed when you ``cd`` into it):: git clone git:// ~/.autoenv :: # bash echo 'source ~/.autoenv/' >> ~/.bashrc # for zsh use the 'autoenv' plugin # vim ~/.zshrc # plugins=(autoenv autojump git history-substring-search mercurial python tmux virtualenv) Database ======== Postgresql .. important:: For ubuntu 14.10, replace ``9.3`` with ``9.4``. For 16.04, replace ``9.3`` with ``9.5``. For 18.04, replace ``10.x`` with the correct version. Replace ``/etc/postgresql/9.x/main/pg_hba.conf`` with :download:`misc/9.x/pg_hba.conf`: Replace ``/etc/postgresql/10.x/main/pg_hba.conf`` with :download:`misc/10.x/pg_hba.conf`:: sudo chown postgres:postgres /etc/postgresql/9.x/main/pg_hba.conf sudo chmod 640 /etc/postgresql/9.x/main/pg_hba.conf Replace ``/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf`` with :download:`misc/9.3/postgresql.conf` for ``9.3`` and :download:`misc/9.4/postgresql.conf` for ``9.4``:: and :download:`misc/9.5/postgresql.conf` for ``9.5``:: and :download:`misc/9.6/postgresql.conf` for ``9.6``:: and :download:`misc/10.x/postgresql.conf` for ``10.x``:: sudo chown postgres:postgres /etc/postgresql/9.x/main/postgresql.conf sudo chmod 644 /etc/postgresql/9.x/main/postgresql.conf Re-start Postgres:: sudo service postgresql restart Create a role for your user name (replace ``patrick`` with your linux user name):: psql -X -U postgres -c "CREATE ROLE patrick WITH NOSUPERUSER CREATEDB NOCREATEROLE LOGIN;" # if you get 'ERROR: must be owner of extension plpgsql', then this will solve it psql -X -U postgres -c "ALTER ROLE patrick SUPERUSER;" python ====== pip --- .. note:: Refer to your company :doc:`checklist` and replace ```` with the name of your ``devpi`` server. Do the same for the username and password. .. note:: (to myself) Check out the ``--set-cfg`` parameter in It might do the following automatically. .. warning:: According to the latest ``pip`` documentation (, there is a config file at ``~/.config/pip/pip.conf``. (``~/.pip/pip.conf`` is now a **legacy** per-user configuration file). Add the following to the ``~/.config/pip/pip.conf`` file:: [install] index-url = trusted-host = [global] require-virtualenv = True .. tip:: ``trusted-host`` is copied from my current file. .. tip:: ``require-virtualenv`` requires a virtual environment when using ``pip``. Add the following to the ``~/.pydistutils.cfg`` file:: [easy_install] index_url = .. _pypirc: .pypirc ------- .. tip:: You won't be able to :doc:`fabric-release` unless you do this! Add the following to the ``~/.pypirc`` file:: [distutils] index-servers = dev [dev] repository: username: bz password: 789 .. tip:: To check the configuration of your package index, you can browse to Tools ===== These are tools that I like (they are not required to build these projects): - - - - And legacy notes on some old tools: - Microsoft --------- To install the Microsoft core fonts (useful for sharing documents):: sudo apt install msttcorefonts .. tip:: You'll need to accept the Microsoft EULA. Source Code =========== Check out your source code into this folder structure:: ├── dev │ ├── app │ │ ├── base │ │ ├── block │ │ ├── booking │ │ ├── cms │ │ ├── crm │ │ ├── enquiry │ │ ├── invoice │ │ ├── login │ │ ├── mail │ │ ├── pay │ │ ├── search │ │ └── stock │ ├── module │ │ ├── deploy │ │ │ ├── pillar │ │ │ ├── post-deploy │ │ │ └── ssl-cert │ │ ├── docs │ │ ├── fabric │ │ └── salt │ └── project │ ├── hatherleigh_info │ └── pkimber_net app --- The source code for the reusable apps go into the ``app`` folder. The github URL and documentation for our open source apps are here: - :doc:`app-base` - :doc:`app-block` - :doc:`app-booking` - :doc:`app-checkout` - :doc:`app-compose` - :doc:`app-crm` - :doc:`app-enquiry` - :doc:`app-finance` - :doc:`app-invoice` - :doc:`app-job` - :doc:`app-login` - :doc:`app-mail` - :doc:`app-search` deploy ------ ``pillar``, :doc:`salt-pillar` ``ssl-cert``, :doc:`ssl` docs ---- (This documentation), fabric ------ :doc:`fabric-env` project ------- Put the source code for your customer into the ``project`` folder e.g: Follow the instructions in the ``README.rst`` file in the app or project folder. .. _`dev-scripts`: .. _`diff.noprefix`: