Deploy a project for the first time *********************************** .. highlight:: yaml Generate a secret Key ===================== :ref:`generate_secret_key` The secret key should be added to the pillar entry for the server as:: secret_key: Create an Opbeat App ==================== Use the opbeat wizard to create a new app Add the APP_ID provided as:: opbeat: Generate a recaptcha key ======================== Log on to the google account and create a recaptcha key for the site. Note the site key and secret key and enter them into the pillar. Create pillar entry =================== Here is a sample entry for a pillar entry for a django project:: : package: profile: django redirect: celery: db_pass: db_type: psql norecaptcha_site_key: norecaptcha_secret_key: opbeat: secret_key: # initial state to create a certificate ssl: False # letsencrypt: True uwsgi_port: env: sparkpost_api_key: Add the server to the DNS for the domain ======================================== Log on to the control panel and set up A records for the and if approprate for the domain these correspond to the section name and redirect entry in the pillar above usually for a live server you will have :: www. User salt to create the site on the server ========================================== Copy the pillar to the master server and test the settings:: salt state.apply --state-verbose=False test=True Apply the settings:: salt state.apply --state-verbose=False Release the project =================== The normal release command does not cater for registering the package with the devpi server so the first time project is released there are some extra steps. Use the release script (from to generate the package N.B this will fail with an error that the package is not registered:: release To register the package with devpi run the following commands:: devpi use devpi login --password devpi upload .. note: The repository is the same as the one listed in your .pypirc file. The repository section is usually the first part of the path after the server name. Create a letsencrypt certificate ================================ Log on to the server and verify the nginx settings:: sudo nginx -t This should report:: nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful Reload the nginx configuration:: sudo service nginx reload Create a certificate for the and if appropriate the value defined in the ``redirect`` entry of the pillar as follows:: init-letsencrypt e.g.:: init-letsencrypt See page on letsencrypt_ for more information After successfully obtaining a certificate amend the entries in the pillar on the master server. Change:: ssl: False # letsencrypt: True To:: ssl: True letsencrypt: True Now perform a ``state.apply`` to apply these settings:: salt state.apply --state-verbose=False Create the database =================== .. note:: Ensure that you have an up to date pillar on your client machine i.e. it should be the same as the master server. To use the fab command you need to setup the fabric environment or use the ``run-fab`` command if you have dev-scripts installed. To create the database run the command:: fab domain: create_db Deploy ====== Before deploying ensure that you have a test file which lists pages to be checked on deploy. Create the file using the command:: touch ~/dev/module/deploy/test/.yaml Deploy the project using the command:: fab domain: deploy: The site check at the end may fail if your init_project does not create any pages you can add some pages and re-run the check as follows:: fab domain: ok Set up initial data =================== If you have created initial data from your development environment using the command similar to:: django-admin dumpdata --exclude contenttypes > project/tests/data/initial-data.json Copy this data to the new server and run the command as user web:: .sh loaddata /initial-data.json If this data uses pictures you'll need to copy these from your media directory e.g. using tar:: cd /media tar -cvzf ../project/tests/data/media-files.tar.gz) and copy to the server and run these commands as user web:: cd ~/repo/files//public tar -xczf /media-files.tar.gz Set up the notify address ------------------------- Log in as a super user and navigate to the admin interface and set up the notifys to the appropriate address. initial Full Backup =================== The site will automatically be backuped up overnight however to start thes backup cycle you should now perform an initial full backup using the command:: full .. _letsencrypt: