pytest ****** .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: bash pytest --tb=short --show-capture=no --disable-warnings -x caplog ====== To filter by error level:: import logging def test_handler(caplog): # your test code assert ( "Variable 'key_code' has no mapping (data type 'str', 'ABC123')" ) in str([str(x.msg) for x in caplog.records if x.levelno == logging.ERROR]) ``caplog.record_tuples`` is nice and simple with the ``caplog`` fixture:: import logging def test_handler(caplog): # use factories to create your objects... then: caplog.clear() # test response = handler( APIException("Patrick does not know..."), {"colour": "Green"} ) assert [ ( "api.models", logging.ERROR, "Patrick does not know... {'colour': 'Green'}", ) ] == caplog.record_tuples .. tip:: Use ``caplog.clear()`` *after* creating your objects so ``caplog.record_tuples`` does not include output from ``factory-boy``. freezegun ========= To use ``freezegun`` as a context manager, .. code-block:: bash pip uninstall pytest-freezegun pip install freezegun :: from freezegun import freeze_time with freeze_time("2017-05-21"): UserConsent.objects.set_consent(consent, True, user_1) UserConsent.objects.set_consent(consent, False, user_2) Or use a date/time:: import pytz from datetime import datetime with freeze_time(datetime(2020, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc)): pytest-freezegun ---------------- .. warning:: I had some issues with ``pytest-freezegun`` , but I think the problem was that I had not included it in ``requirements/ci.txt``. I prefer to use the context manager with ``freezegun``, so the following notes are just for information... :: @pytest.mark.freeze_time("2017-05-21") def test_report(): Markers ======= To register a marker e.g:: @pytest.mark.elasticsearch Create a ```` file e.g. ``dash/tests/`` or ``example_crm/tests/`` and add the following:: # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- def pytest_configure(config): config.addinivalue_line( "markers", "elasticsearch: enable or disable tests using elasticsearch" ) For more information, see `Registering marks`_. .. tip:: This doesn't seem to work using ``setup.cfg`` or ``pytest.ini`` (I had problems with configurations being ignored). Skip ==== To find out why tests are skipped:: pytest -rsx app/tests/ Warnings ======== :: -p no:warnings # e.g. pytest --color=yes --tb=short --show-capture=no --html=report.html --fail-on-template-vars -p no:warnings or:: [pytest] addopts = -p no:warnings .. _`Disabling warning capture`: .. _`Registering marks`: