sass **** .. highlight:: bash .. note:: We are using ``sass`` (with the ``.scss`` extension) in our projects. (we did use :doc:`dev-less` for a couple of legacy projects). Links ===== - Ember :ref:`ember_cli_sass` - :doc:`dev-less` - YouTube, using ``node-sass``, Quick guide to node-sass with our django projects ================================================= ``node-sass`` requires node and npm to be installed see :ref:`install_node` Using in an existing project ---------------------------- When you clone a project that's already using scss you can configure the development environment as follows:: npm install --only=dev .. _using_sass_in_development: Using sass in development ------------------------- After configuring your development environment, to enable continuous compilation of your scss changes to css, in the root directory of the project type:: npm run serve This will compile the scss to css, monitor the scss directory for changes and start the django development server. Alterantively, if you do not require the development server you can compile the scss to css once using:: npm run scss-compile Or continuously monitor changes to the scss directory using:: npm run scss-watch Add sass to an existing django project ====================================== For our django projects we create a scss directory at the top level and use the 7-1 pattern. You can use the dev-scripts ``create-scss`` script to set this up:: create-scss "" [ ] The project group is the project group on your git repository provider, project name and description are self explanatory e.g. if your repo is at and your css file is web/static/web/web.css:: create-scss kb example_com "Website for" styles.scss web/static/web/css/web.css This will create a directory structure of:: package.json scss/ | + abstracts/ | +_mixins.scss | +_functions.scss | +_variables.scss | + base/ | +_animations.scss | +_base.scss | +_typography.scss | +_utilities.scss | + components/ | +_button.scss | +_form.scss | +_menu.scss | + layouts/ | +_grid.scss | +_container.scss | +_header.scss | +_footer.scss | + pages/ | +_home.scss | + theme/ | + vendor/ | + styles.scss This script runs ``npm install`` using the generated ``package.json`` so you will also see a node_modules in your project directory and if using node v8+ a package-lock.json you should add /node_modules/ to the .gitignore and add node_modules to the norecursedirsi directive in the setup.cfg Depending of the name of the stylesheet you have in your project you may need to edit the scripts section of package.json to update the correct css file. You can you use sass in you development as described above :ref:`using_sass_in_development` General notes about node-sass ============================= .. _install_node: Install Node ------------ If you don't already have node installed you can install the ubuntu package:: sudo apt update sudo apt install nodejs As of ubuntu 18.04 this will install v8. If your version of ubuntu does not install npm - if the following reports a version it's installed:: npm --version If you get command not found can install npm using:: sudo apt install npm Alternatively you can install the latest nodejs from nodesource repository as follows:: curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt update sudo apt install nodejs You'll probably need build-essentials if you don't already have in installed:: sudo apt-get install build-essential Install node-sass ----------------- If you want to install node-sass globally you can do this using - we tend to use per project installation with package.json so this is not necessary:: npm install -g node-sass If you have trouble installing ``node-sass``, see :ref:`node_sass will not install` node-sass usage --------------- Compile a scss file one time:: node-sass -o Compile all scss files in a directory file one time:: node-sass -o Watch a directory containing scss files and compile on the fly:: node-sass -o -w node-sass Options ----------------- By default ``node-sass`` generates css with each attribute on a new line and the closing brace on the same line as the last attribute. Use the expanded output style to generate pretty output:: --output-style=expanded For a compact output use:: --output-style=expanded Sass ==== Sass is available in two flavours we use the extension of css syntax which is stored in a file with the extension ".scss" Simple example -------------- The ``scss/style.scss`` file containing the following: .. code-block:: scss .example { p { color: green; } } Can be compiled (in watch mode) to ``css/style.css`` using the command:: node-sass -o css scss -w --output-style=expanded The ``css/style.css`` file will contain: .. code-block:: css .example p { color: green; }