Shiny ***** .. highlight:: bash - Click here for my notes on the `R programming language`_ Logging ======= Shiny logs are in this folder:: /var/log/shiny-server/ Salt ==== To add Shiny to your server, add ``config.r`` to your ``pillar`` e.g: .. code-block:: yaml base: 'kb-g': - config.r - sites.kb-g Script ====== To add a script to your Shiny server: Copy the script to the ``shiny`` folder in your project folder e.g:: shiny/app.R Convert the script to Linux format:: fromdos shiny/app.R Add the source file to GIT and commit with a suitable comment. Copy the file from ``shiny/app.R`` to the server:: /srv/shiny-server/app.R Issues ====== We had an issue where the page view was drawing, but had no charts or data. There were no errors in the log. To solve the issue, we added ``server = TRUE`` to ``updateSelectizeInput`` e.g:: updateSelectizeInput( session, inputId = "platform", choices = as.vector(df$platform), selected = df$platform, server = TRUE ) .. _`R programming language`: