Ember / JavaScript Code Standards ********************************* .. highlight:: javascript - Click here for :doc:`dev-standards` - Click here for :doc:`dev-standards-code` - Click here for :doc:`dev-standards-doc` - Click here for :doc:`dev-standards-html` - Click here for :doc:`dev-standards-security` - Click here for :doc:`dev-standards-sys` - Click here for :doc:`dev-standards-tech` - Click here for :doc:`dev-standards-ui` Classes ======= Order of attributes in a class: 1. services 2. model 3. # alphabetical Handlebars ========== Tim is using the following *Atom* plugin: https://github.com/kandhavivekraj/beautify-handlebars .. tip:: You have to manually remove ``/`` from ``
``. Prettier ======== Using ``front/prettier.config.js``: .. code-block:: javascript module.exports = { trailingComma: "none", tabWidth: 2, semi: false, singleQuote: false, bracketSpacing: true, arrowParens: "avoid", printWidth: 80 } .. code-block:: bash npm run prettier npm run prettier:hbs ``var``, ``let`` or ``const`` ============================= .. tip:: Prefer ``const`` wherever possible only using ``let`` when a value must change. Avoid ``var`` unless absolutely necessary. Chris Thoburn, @not_runspired I've been on team prefer-const since the beginning and itโ€™s been a joy watching that go from niche to widely accepted/linted norm. I suspect (and this is imo wild) that it was typescript that finally got everyone to realize how much value there is in the mental model of it. Tomasz Ducin, @tomasz_ducin Shall we use `var`, `let` or `const` in #javascript/#typescript? My take has been the same for years (since ES2015 released). And it turns out I have the same coding standards as #angular ๐Ÿ™ƒ .. image:: ./misc/js/2012-12-10-var-let-or-const.jpg https://twitter.com/not_runspired/status/1728933270522634298