Database ******** .. highlight:: bash If you are ready to deploy a Django site, start by creating a database... Create ====== .. note:: Make sure the Salt pillar is configured correctly for the site. You need to include the database password and a folder containing the database settings. For details, see :doc:`site-config` For MySQL:: ssh the.server.ip.address sudo -i mysql mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ''; For details, see: - `MySQL Error: : 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'`_ - `Allow linux root user mysql root access without password`_ To create a database for a site:: cd fabric fab create-db # if your would like to use a Postgres table space name fab create-db:cbs To create a workflow database for a site:: fab create-db-workflow You are now ready to :doc:`fabric-deploy` your site... Drop/Delete =========== To drop a database, you will need to append the current date and time e.g:: fab drop_db:02/02/2015-16:54 To drop a database role:: fab drop_db_role .. note:: This command should fail if the role is in use. Maintenance =========== - :doc:`backup` - :doc:`dev-restore` .. _`Allow linux root user mysql root access without password`: .. _`MySQL Error: : 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'`: