Google ****** - Click here for :doc:`project-simple-site` - Click here for :ref:`base_google_analytics` in the ``base`` app - Click here for :ref:`block_google_analytics` in the ``block`` app - Click here for :doc:`dev-captcha` - Click here for :doc:`dev-google` - Click here for :doc:`sys-google-apps` Set up Google Analytics for a website ===================================== .. note:: Copied from Greg's notes, 17/12/2018 Add the site map code as per these instructions: Add the website as a container to Google Tag Manager: To the right of *KB Software* click the 3 dots and select *Create Container* Add the site name: Add the code to each page as requested git push the amended code You now need to add the Google Analytics (Universal) tag First you need the Tracking ID from Google Analytics: Add the site by clicking *Create new Property* under the Properties column, from the Property section pull down menu Fill out the details and click Get Tracking ID Copy and paste the Tracking ID into the Tag Manager Track Type - Page View; Fire on - All Pages In GA don't forget to publish the changes Deploy the amended pages to the site In Webmaster Tools (Search Console): Add the site as a property and when asked verify the account against the Tag Manager account Click continue Under Crawl first: - select Fetch as Google and then Submit - Crawl this URL and its direct links - select Sitemaps and add a site map - - run test site map - check all pages submitted - If all Ok submit the site map and refresh the page You should receive an email ref: Improve the search presence of Follow instructions 1 - 4 - In 1 add a property for,, and - verify, set up a site map and do a fetch for each - In 2 select prefer www. for each property - Tools (right hand cog)/site settings - In 4 add another user for each url variation, full rights - Tools (right hand cog)/site settings/Users and Property Owners