Issues ****** APScheduler =========== If you check the log files e.g. ``~/repo/uwsgi/log/`` and see the scheduler looping, always *Adding job tentatively*, then there is probably an import error with your jobs e.g ``schedule_this_function_does_not_exist`` does not exist in ``crm.tasks``:: scheduler.add_job( "crm.tasks:schedule_this_function_does_not_exist", Ember JS ======== .. tip:: If Ember repeats the API call many times, then it may be because the view is not returning as many records as expected. ``ember-changeset-validations`` ------------------------------- The import for validations does not work if you use curly brackets (``{``, ``}``):: import { ContactValidations } from "../../validations/contact" Don't use curly brackets e.g:: import ContactValidations from "../../validations/contact" Add On ------ If you have a template in an (Embroider) add-on and it isn't displaying correctly, then try copying it to your project. You will see errors in the console, which are not displayed when the ``hbs`` file is in the add-on. You can move it back when all of the issues are resolved. Embroider --------- e.g:: webpack 5.75.0 compiled with 3 errors in 6233 ms Build Error (PackagerRunner) in modifiers/did-insert.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../../../app/ember-kb-core/ember-kb-core/node_modules/.pnpm/@ember+render-modifiers@2.0.4_7qtfvpmlucc5lcdjv3atxad67a/node_modules/@ember/render-modifiers/modifiers/did-insert' in '$TMPDIR/embroider/351288/project/my-project/front/modifiers/did-insert.js' Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.fa33a5f885f8c20b6328bf67fb2f9032.log To solve the issue, I did:: rm -rf /tmp/embroider/ .. note:: I got this idea from reading but it didn't solve the issue. ``rootURL`` We were using ``rootURL`` in ``config/environment.js`` to load assets from the correct URL on the server (see ``dist/index.html``). When using Embroider, we also need to update the webpack configuration for ``publicAssetURL`` in ``ember-cli-build.js`` e.g:: packagerOptions: { // publicAssetURL is used similarly to Ember CLI's asset fingerprint prepend option. publicAssetURL: "/task/", For more information, see Ember Data ---------- I had an issue with Ember Data adapters. For more information, :ref:`ember-data-adapter` setRouteName ------------ I had this error message when trying to use a route from an addon:: route._setRouteName is not a function The error was in my route file (``addon/routes/workflow-delete.js``). I defined a ``Controller`` where I should have defined a ``Route``! Flowable ======== Data Types ========== Our workflow has a ``total`` variable with a value of ``1481.47``. Calling the ``form-data`` REST API (e.g. ``/service/form/form-data?taskId=93``) throws the following exception:: { "exception": "java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.String", "message": "Internal server error" } I am not casting the value to a string, so I think Activiti is storing the data internally as a ``Double``. .. note:: I have no idea why Activiti cannot cast a ``Double`` to a ``String`` Solution -------- I am using the ``double`` data type in the workflow, and it is accepted without any problem. Comparisons are working as long as both data types are a ``double`` e.g: .. code-block:: xml Issue #2 -------- I am now getting:: "java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String" Is this because my invoice number is a whole number, but is mapped to a string? Gateway ------- If your exclusive gateway is not behaving, check the following: 1. Check you are using a gateway. This example task does not use a gateway, so (I don't think) the engine knows which route to take next: .. image:: ./misc/bpm-gateway-not.png :scale: 60 Here is the same example task which has the required *exclusive* gateway: .. image:: ./misc/bpm-gateway.png :scale: 60 2. Check the gateway has a *Default flow* .. image:: ./misc/bpm-gateway-default-flow.png :scale: 60 In the XML file, the default gateway will look like this: .. code-block:: xml default="sid-54E01C76-51EC-4460-867B-017E84910394" .. tip:: If the default flow is empty, then I don't think the gateway works properly. Group ----- I was trying to set a group in the workflow:: activiti:candidateGroups="${hrGroupPk}" And kept getting the *Expression did not resolve to a string or collection of strings* exception thrown:: ERROR org.activiti.engine.impl.interceptor.CommandContext - Error while closing command context org.activiti.engine.ActivitiIllegalArgumentException: Expression did not resolve to a string or collection of strings To solve the issue, the group ID must be converted to a string: .. code-block:: python # replace this # result = # with: result = str( Here is the diff: Lock ---- In ``/var/log/tomcat9/catalina.0000-00-00.log`` when restarting Tomcat:: liquibase.exception.LockException: Could not acquire change log lock. Currently locked by ... From `Flowable forum - Liquibase changeLogLock`... To resolve the issue, check the following tables in the Flowable database:: act_app_databasechangeloglock act_cmmn_databasechangeloglock act_co_databasechangeloglock act_dmn_databasechangeloglock act_fo_databasechangeloglock flw_ev_databasechangeloglock If you find a locked record e.g:: select * from flw_ev_databasechangeloglock; id | locked | lockgranted | lockedby ----+--------+-------------------------+----------------------- 1 | t | 2020-08-16 21:58:45.296 | UKAZU1S213 ( .. warning:: From the link above, Clear the locks only if there is no upgrade running. The question is why Flowable crashed!? Then you can clear the lock:: UPDATE flw_ev_databasechangeloglock SET LOCKED=FALSE, LOCKGRANTED=null, LOCKEDBY=null where ID=1; Alfresco ======== Warning ref CPU usage above 90%:: sudo /opt/alfresco-community/libreoffice/scripts/ stop sudo /opt/alfresco-community/libreoffice/scripts/ start From `soffice.bin using 100% of CPU`_ APM === APM didn't upgrade until I ran the Salt state. It is also worth checking the `release notes`_. Celery ====== AMQP ---- .. note:: We use RabbitMQ (AMQP) when we deploy to Windows servers. If you find Celery wants to use AMQP (``amqp/``, ``Connection refused``), then check you created ```` in your ``project`` (or ``example_appname``) folder, and that your ```` contains ``from .celery import app as celery_app``. For more information, see :doc:`celery` and :ref:`windows_celery` on Windows No such transport ----------------- Running a Django management command on Windows:: File "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\my-site\venv\lib\site-packages\kombu\transport\", line 90, in resolve_transport raise KeyError('No such transport: {0}'.format(transport)) KeyError: 'No such transport: ' The ``set_env_test.bat`` command had the Celery URL in double quotes:: SET CELERY_BROKER_URL="amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//" To fix the issue, I removed the double quotes:: SET CELERY_BROKER_URL=amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672// Not Running Tasks ----------------- If you find Celery is not running tasks, try the following: Open *Task Manager* on Windows and check you have a single instance of ``celery.exe`` running. I don't know why (or even if) multiple instances cause a problem, but a single instance has got us processing tasks again. If your task is in an app, check you are `Using the @shared_task decorator`_ .. _issues_celery_windows_service: Stalled ------- If your application stops / stall on a ``delay``, then ``redis`` might not be running:: transaction.on_commit( lambda: update_contact_index.delay( ) I have no idea how long the timeout is... but it never returned for me! Windows Service --------------- We have a Windows Service for Waitress and Dramatiq. If they are failing, start by reviewing the Dramatiq_ notes below... Then try the following: I solved the problem (several times) by copying ``python37.dll`` from:: \kb\Python37\ to:: C:\Windows\System32\ To see an error message, try running:: \kb\Python38\Lib\site-packages\win32\pythonservice.exe -debug "KB-Software-Dramatiq" \kb\Python38\Lib\site-packages\win32\pythonservice.exe -debug "KB-Software-Waitress" .. note:: This is the code which is run by ``HandleCommandLine`` in ````. I used this to find the ``"pywintypes35.dll" is missing from your computer`` message which I fixed by running the next step in these notes. Try installing ```` as a global package using the installer. The installer runs a script called ```` which copies DLL files to the correct locations. .. note:: Running ``pip install pypiwin32==219`` doesn't seem to run the ```` script, so the service cannot find the DLL files that it needs! Try running it manually using the globally installed python. To debug the service start-up, add ``ipdb`` to the code and then run:: python debug cron ==== If a cron script in ``/etc/cron.d`` has a ``.`` in the file name, then it will not run! (`configs with dots in file name not working in /etc/cron.d`_) devpi ===== Certificate ----------- Firewall If you get 404 errors when attempting to create a certificate using HTTP validation and LetsEncrypt, then check your Firewall. It might not allow incoming connections to port 80 from the LetsEncrypt servers. To workaround the issue, use :doc:`detail/ssl-letsencrypt-dns` to generate the certificate. python 2 I was getting SSL ``certificate verify failed`` errors when using ``devpi`` (which uses ``httpie`` and ``requests``). To solve the issue, use ``devpi`` with a python 3 virtual environment (not python 2). Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ------------------------------------------------------- I was trying to install Django 3.0.5 and kept getting this error:: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement django==3.0.5 (from -r requirements/base.txt (line 10)) (from versions: 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, ... 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.2.5, 2.2.6, 2.2.7, 2.2.8, 2.2.9, 2.2.10, 2.2.11, 2.2.12) ERROR: No matching distribution found for ... Version 3.0.5 was not listed in the versions. I updated ``devpi`` thinking there was a problem with our PyPI server, but it didn't help. We were running Python 3.5.2 on our CI server. The *Django 3.0 release notes* says: Django 3.0 supports Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. We highly recommend and only officially support the latest release of each series. The Django 2.2.x series is the last to support Python 3.5. To solve the issue, I upgrade the Docker container to use Ubuntu 18.04 (`Upgrade container to Ubuntu 18.04`_). Index ----- If you have a local PyPI server, and you **do not** want to use it, then comment out ``index-url`` in:: ~/.pip/pip.conf Killed ------ My ``devpi-server --import`` was not completing and finishing with a ``Killed`` message. To solve this issue, increase the available memory on the server. I increased from 1GB to 2GB and the import completed successfully. Django ====== CORS ---- To solve this issue, we replaced:: router = routers.DefaultRouter() with:: router = routers.DefaultRouter(trailing_slash=False) The solution was prompted by this Stackoverflow article, `React to django CORS issue`_ Sometimes it happens because of the url pattern. Please check the url pattern whether it requires a slash at the end or not. Try using 'login' instead of 'login/' Remove the ``admin`` app ------------------------ If you get this error:: django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: 'admin' is not a registered namespace Then you may need to replace the ``staff_member_required`` decorator... For more information, see :doc:`dev-django-view`... Testing File Field ------------------ :: django.core.exceptions.SuspiciousFileOperation: The joined path (/2020/06/None-example.dat) is located outside of the base path component (/home/patrick/dev/app/record/media-private) To solve this issue, load the test file from the ``MEDIA_ROOT`` folder e.g:: from django.conf import settings from pathlib import Path file_name = Path( settings.BASE_DIR, settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "data", "1-2-3.doc" ) record = Record.objects.create_record( "testing", user, file_name=file_name ) Django Compressor ----------------- I had an issue where relative images in css files were not being found e.g:: url(../img/logo-fill.png) Django Compressor is supposed to convert relative URLs to absolute e.g:: url('') The ``compress`` management command creates a manifest file listing the files it creates. On the web server this can be found in:: ./web_static/CACHE/manifest.json On Amazon S3 it is in the ``CACHE`` folder. You can look at the manifest files to find the name of the generated CSS file and look in this file to see if the relative URLs are converted to absolute. You can use the browser developer tools to see which CSS file is being used. To solve the issue, I checked the generated CSS file and the links were not relative. I then ran ``compress`` and checked the generated CSS file again and the links were absolute. I re-started the Django project on the server and all was OK. .. tip:: I also uninstalled ``django-storages-redux`` and reinstalled the old version: (``git+``) ... but I don't think that made a difference?! Django REST Framework ===================== I created a serializer (using the ``serializers.Serializer`` class), but was getting the following error message when calling ````:: :: TypeError: 'method' object is not iterable The issue was caused by a ``_data`` method which I put in the serializer. This clashes with an attribute of the ``Serializer`` class!!! To solve the issue, I renamed the ``_data`` method to ``_workflow_data``. Django REST Framework JSON API ============================== unexpected keyword argument 'partial' ------------------------------------- :: update() got an unexpected keyword argument 'partial' To resolve this issue, change the ``update`` parameters in the view set:: # from # def update(self, request, pk=None): # to def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs): .. _docker-system-prune: Docker ====== To cleanup Docker containers, run the following as ``root``:: docker system prune -a .. tip:: May be safer to run it without the ``-a`` as I had to reinstall ``gitlab-runner``! Dramatiq ======== Service not Running ------------------- Try running ``dramatiq`` from the command line:: c: cd \kb\navigator-connector set_env_variables.bat c:\kb\navigator-connector\venv\Scripts\dramatiq.exe We had an *Access is denied* message when running ``dramatiq.exe``. The resolution was to add a *local exclusion for that folder within Defender*. For more information, see ``gevent`` ---------- Compile fails and I can't find the required dependencies:: x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: error: src/gevent/libev/corecext.c: No such file or directory x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated. error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1 To fix this issue, upgrade ``pip`` so it can install wheels. ``pika`` -------- Error:: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pika' Make sure ``django_dramatiq`` is first in your list of ``THIRD_PARTY_APPS``. If this doesn't help, then make sure you have configured your settings files correctly for Dramatiq (don't forget ````). For details, see :ref:`dramatiq_configure`. Dropbox ======= When testing the scripts:: No protocol specified !! (Qt:Fatal) QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0 To stop this error, use a headless connection i.e. ssh into the computer or use a separate console. This will still be an issue if you have a GUI and you ``sudo`` to a user who is *not* running a GUI. Backup ------ If the backup server runs out of space: 1. Lots of directories in ``/tmp`` called ``.dropbox-dist*`` (10Gb) 2. Backup folder for the site had lots of ``.sql`` files from presumably failed backup (3Gb) 3. Check the ``/home/web/tmp`` folder. Malcolm deleted this, which freed 1.8G of space! 4. Check the ``/home/web/temp/`` folder and track down large files:: du -sh * 5. You could also try (it didn't free any space for me):: rm -r /home/web/repo/files/dropbox//Dropbox/.dropbox.cache/* Duplicity ========= gio --- If you get this error:: No module named gio Then:: apt-get install python-gobject-2 Symbolic Links -------------- Duplicity does **NOT** backup symbolic links... or the contents of symbolic links. ElasticSearch ============= For version 6.x issues, see: 1. :ref:`elasticsearch_version_6` 2. APM_ Connection marked as dead ------------------------- Errors from the ElasticSearch client saying:: %s marked as dead for %s seconds The code can be seen here: My thought is that the ``pyelasticsearch`` client is timing out when the ``cron`` task re-indexes the data (there are lots of records, so I would expect this to take some time). The connections are pooled, and time-out, so the connection is marked as dead. To see if this is the problem (or not), I have added ``BATCH_SIZE`` and ``TIMEOUT`` to the settings:: HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS = { 'default': { 'BATCH_SIZE': 100, 'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.elasticsearch_backend.ElasticsearchSearchEngine', 'INDEX_NAME': '{}'.format(SITE_NAME), 'TIMEOUT': 60 * 5, 'URL': '', }, } For documentation on these settings: fabric ====== ``env`` is not set when you use ``run`` (with ``Connection``). To resolve the issue, add ``inline_ssh_env`` to the ``Connection`` constructor e.g:: with Connection(domain_deploy, user, inline_ssh_env=True) as ctx: "cd {site_folder} && {venv} {manage} {command}".format(**param), env=env, replace_env=True, echo=True, ) .. warning:: The ``inline_ssh_env`` functionality does not perform any shell escaping on your behalf! For more information, see `fabric, Connection, __init__`_ git === git clone fails with "fatal: Out of memory, malloc failed" error ---------------------------------------------------------------- To install the Salt master on a Linux server with less resources, I created a swap file:: df -v swapon --show free fallocate -l 1G /swapfile ls -lh /swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile ls -lh /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile swapon --show free .. tip:: Instructions from `How To Add Swap Space on Ubuntu 16.04`_ GitLab ====== CI -- If you find Continuous Integration (CI) is running tests from other apps, then check the project ``setup.cfg`` file to make sure ``src`` is included in the ``norecursedirs`` section. For details, see :ref:`continuous_integration`. Push an existing Git repository ------------------------------- If following the instructions to push an existing project to a new repo e.g:: cd existing_repo git remote rename origin old-origin git remote add origin git push -u origin --all git push -u origin --tags And you get ``remote rejected`` errors:: To ! [remote rejected] 5419-wagtail -> 5419-wagtail (pre-receive hook declined) ! [remote rejected] 5419-wagtail-tailwind-ui -> 5419-wagtail-tailwind-ui (pre-receive hook declined) ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error: failed to push some refs to '' Update your permissions in the *Members* section to *Maintainer*. JavaScript ========== .. _node_sass will not install: ``node-sass`` will not install ------------------------------ This seems to be a very common error:: Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/usr/lib/node_modules/node-sass/.node-gyp' The solution seems to be as follows:: npm -g --unsafe-perm install node-sass LetsEncrypt =========== 404 --- If you get 404 not found, then check you ``sudo service nginx reload``. certbot upgrade --------------- 09/03/2021, I think the new version of certbot may have caused some issues with existing certificate renewals. I have deleted the old certificates for and requested new certificates by running the following:: sudo -i cd /etc/letsencrypt rm -r */* /home/web/opt/init-letsencrypt sudo nginx -t # to check config ok sudo systemctl reload nginx git --- If you get an error similar to this from salt ``state.apply``:: ID: letsencrypt-git Function: git.latest Name: Result: False Comment: Repository would be updated from 2434b4a to f0ebd13, but there are uncommitted changes. Log onto the affected server:: sudo -i cd /opt/letsencrypt git status # checkout the file which is listed (in my case "letsencrypt-auto) git checkout letsencrypt-auto git status # should show nothing init-letsencrypt - memory ------------------------- :: virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory Certbot has problem setting up the virtual environment. Based on your pip output, the problem can likely be fixed by increasing the available memory. We solved the issue by creating a temporary swap file and then retrying the ``init-letsencrypt`` command:: sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile Check the swap status with:: sudo swapon -s .. note:: I can't solve the issue, so referring to a colleague... For more information, see init-letsencrypt - datetime --------------------------- :: ImportError: No module named datetime To solve the issue:: rm -r /home/patrick/.local/ init-letsencrypt - ``_remove_dead_weakref`` ------------------------------------------- I got this error after upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04:: Error: couldn't get currently installed version for /opt/ ... ImportError: cannot import name _remove_dead_weakref To solve the issue:: rm -rf /opt/ # run your ``letsencrypt`` command # /opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto renew --no-self-upgrade service nginx restart .. My old way of solving the issue was as follows:: .. .. rm -rf /opt/letsencrypt/ .. rm -rf /opt/ .. .. Update the server using the Salt master. .. .. Create the certificate as normal... .. .. Re-start Nginx? renew ----- If LetsEncrypt is trying to renew old sites, then remove them from:: /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/ SSL Stapling Ignored -------------------- Malcolm says that stapling needs a newer version of nginx. Mail ==== .. _sparkpost_blacklist: SparkPost - Blacklisted ----------------------- Using we found our domain was blacklisted. The mail app has a facility for sending a test email (browse to ``/mail/create/``). We emailed SparkPost, and they sent the following advice: Thank you for reporting the blacklist issue! If you look at the raw reason provided:: 522 email sent from found on industry URI blacklists on 2017/05/10 18:11:12 BST, please contact your mail sending service or use an alternate email service to send your email. Guide for bulk senders ... it is the domain ```` that has been blacklisted and not the IP. Your messages are containing ```` in the headers because you haven't set-up a custom bounce domain yet. In order to do so, you can find more information through following link: Adding a custom bounce domain to your account will also remove ```` from your headers and help fully brand all of your emails and also protect you from other senders on SparkPost. We did the following: Added a ``DMARC`` record to our Digital Ocean account:: TXT / / returns v=DMARC1; p=none" .. image:: ./misc/digital-ocean-sparkpost.png :scale: 60 Added a ``CNAME`` record to our Digital Ocean account:: / is an alias of .. image:: ./misc/issues/2021-11-04-sparkpost-bounce-cname.png Added ```` as a Bounce Domain in Sparkpost using *Create a separate bounce subdomain*: .. image:: ./misc/sparkpost-bounce-domain.png :scale: 60 MailChimp/Mandrill ================== Received Email Layout Doesn't Match MailChimp Template ------------------------------------------------------ When the template is sent from MailChimp to Mandrill, layout changes are made to the HTML that results in the body text of the received email spilling out beyond the left and right edges of the header image. To resolve this, the HTML code for the 'templateContainer' should be set to 550px, e.g. for the 'qanda_answer_publish' template, line 662 should read: ```` with the ```` tag set to ``550px``. The HTML code for the main table layout style should also have the ``table`` tag set to: ``table align="left"`` to ``table align="center"`` ``wdith="100%"`` should be removed - this keeps the body text just inside the margins of the table and headers We emailed MailChimp about this issue, and they replied with this information: Jumping right in, this is a known issue where the Transactional Email parser has mis-encoded some of the template's styles when it's synced over from the Mailchimp account. Unfortunately, the template transfer process is imperfect since many snippets of HTML are explicitly designed for how we use templates in our Mailchimp campaigns, and encoding issues like this can arise. We are working to improve it, but there are currently some things like this that may need to be manually fixed in the HTML. I've passed your case of this issue to our developers so they can reference it when they prioritize their work. I know it's not the most ideal, but in this case, you'll want to use the Transactional Email template editor (or you could paste the code into a text editor, then paste it back to a template in Transactional Email) to fix any pieces of code like this that aren't being encoded and sent over correctly. You would then want to make edits for that particular template only in Transactional Email going forward, as resending the template from Mailchimp would override the current code within Transactional Email for that template, and you'd need to redo those fixes. If you need to have the template available on both platforms, you could also create a custom-coded template in Mailchimp using the live, working code from Transactional Email > use that template going forward and push changes into Transactional Email made in that specific custom-coded Mailchimp template. That way, the Mailchimp users can utilize the working code and push changes. Microsoft Azure =============== Open ID Connect - Need admin approval ------------------------------------- If you get prompted with *Need admin approval*: .. image:: ./misc/azure/2020-04-25-need-admin-approval.png Then be sure to set :ref:`azure_api_permissions`... Microsoft Office ================ Outlook - Why is Outlook Not Showing All Emails? ------------------------------------------------ Filters and Search: If you have applied any filters or search criteria, that might be limiting the emails you see. Incorrect Email Filter Settings One common reason behind the *Outlook not showing all emails* issue is the presence of incorrect email filter settings. Outlook allows users to apply filters based on criteria such as date, sender, or subject. If you have inadvertently set filters that exclude certain emails from the view, this could be the reason for missing emails. To resolve this, follow these steps: - Step 1: Click on the "View" tab in Outlook. - Step 2: Select the "View Settings" option when you find it. - Step 3: Navigate to the "Filter" tab and review the applied filters. Clear any filters that might be causing the issue. For more information, see `6 Easy Solutions - Fix Outlook Not Showing All Emails Issue`_ Microsoft SQL Server ==================== When using the ``django-mssql-backend`` requirement and an ``ENGINE`` of ``sql_server.pyodbc`` in a Django project, you may see these errors:: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sql_server' 'sql_server.pyodbc' isn't an available database backend I think you can safely ignore this as it still seems to work fine...!? nginx ===== 502 Bad Gateway --------------- This is a general error. Find the cause by looking in the following files:: sudo -i -u web # check the files in: tail -f ~/repo/uwsgi/log/hatherleigh_info.log sudo -i tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log # check the log files in: tail -f /var/log/supervisor/ ``bind() to failed`` ------------------------------- ``nginx`` won't start and ``/var/log/nginx/error.log`` shows:: [emerg]: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) [emerg] 15405#0: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) When I stopped the nginx service, I could still see the ports being used:: lsof -i :80 lsof -i :443 From `bind() to failed`_, killing the users of the port, sorted the issue:: sudo fuser -k 80/tcp sudo fuser -k 443/tcp .. note:: I am not over happy about this solution. But... I guess the processes were started somehow and had not been stopped? .. _nginx_failed_13: ``failed (13: Permission denied)`` using ``sendfile`` ----------------------------------------------------- ``sendfile`` wasn't working, and the following message appeared in ``/var/log/nginx/error.log``:: 2017/05/18 17:34:30 [error] 1835#1835: *315 open() "/home/web/repo/files/" failed (13: Permission denied), client:, server:, request: "GET /dash/document/issue/version/3/download/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "uwsgi://", host: "" The ``www-data`` user didn't have permission to read the file. The permissions were ``-rw-------``. To solve the problem, add the following to your ``settings/`` file:: FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS = 0o644 Django will then create files with ``-rw-r--r--`` permissions and all will be well. For more information, see :doc:`dev-django-media`. no python application found, check your startup logs for errors --------------------------------------------------------------- This issue was missing environment variables e.g. ``NORECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY``. I was running ``tail`` on the log file for the web application e.g. ``~/repo/uwsgi/log/``, and I think the error was further up the page (so use ``vim`` next time to check). I found the error by trying to run a management command e.g. `` help`` and it showed the error. Added the missing environment variables to the vassal and all was fine. NPM === npm install ----------- :: npm ERR! code ENOLOCAL npm ERR! Could not install from "app/ember-addon" as it does not contain a package.json file. One of the dependencies of the project had a ``file`` dependency on ``ember-addon`` i.e:: "@kb/ember-addon": "file:../../../app/ember-addon" To fix the issue, replace the ``file`` dependency with a packaged version e.g:: "@kb/ember-addon": "^0.0.21", npm link -------- I couldn't get ``npm link`` to work, so I installed from the folder:: npm i ../../../app/ember-addon/ 404 Not Found ------------- If you get this error:: npm ERR! code E404 npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET - Not found npm ERR! 404 npm ERR! 404 '@kb/work@^0.0.2' is not in the npm registry. Then the issue may **not** be related to your *Package Registry*. I thought ``npm`` was looking in the wrong place i.e. not our private registry (i.e. ``npm config set @kb:registry ...``, see :ref:`gitlab_npm_package` for more information). The issue was... I had the wrong name for the addon. In the example above, ``@kb/work`` should have been ``@kb/ember-work``. .. _pdf_object_failed_to_load: PDFObject ========= From `Failed to load PDF document`_, to fix it, I changed:: response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename={}".format( to:: response['Content-Disposition'] = "inline; filename={}".format( PHP (php) FPM ============= We were seeing errors in ``/var/log/nginx/error.log``:: 2021/12/04 17:30:09 [crit] 7603#7603: *1 connect() to unix:/run/php/ failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream, To solve this issue, I re-started the server, but it may have been easier to:: systemctl restart php7.4-fpm.service PostgreSQL ========== ``plpgsql`` ----------- :: must be owner of extension plpgsql To fix the issue (**on your development workstation only**):: alter role patrick superuser; Resource -------- :: apt install pgtop # this example database is using PGBouncer pg_top -h localhost -p 6432 -d www_kbsoftware_couk -U www_kbsoftware_couk Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ---------------- .. warning:: Check you have a backup of all databases on your development machine. If you have upgraded from a previous version of Ubuntu running Postgres 9.1, you might need to completely remove the old version:: sudo apt-get purge postgresql-9.1 ``record`` app ============== If the conversion isn't working, then it might be because LibreOffice is running on your Desktop. Shut it down and the conversion should succeed. The error message will probably be: *Cannot find converted file*. python ====== ImportError: No module named 'example_my_app_name' -------------------------------------------------- When running ``pytest`` or ``django-admin``, I get:: ImportError: No module named 'example_my_app_name' This looks like the same issue: To solve the problem, I copied ```` to the root folder. .. note:: ``django-admin`` still doesn't work. Use ``python`` instead. The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive --------------------------------------------------------- Trying to move a file to a Windows UNC path... using ``shutil.copy`` or ``shutil.move`` or ``replace`` ( from ``pathlib.Path``):: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: '\\\\KBAZ00001\\Watch\\honeydown.png' The only solution I can find is from `Python 3's pathlib Module: Taming the File System`_ e.g:: import pathlib source = pathlib.Path(from_file_path) destination = pathlib.Path(to_file_path) with"xb") as fid: fid.write(source.read_bytes()) virtualenv using python3 stuck on setuptools, pip, wheel -------------------------------------------------------- From `setting up environment in virtaulenv using python3 stuck on setuptools, pip, wheel`_ 1. The first *solution*, was to create the ``virtualenv`` using Ubuntu installed packages i.e: .. code-block:: bash python3 -m venv venv-fabric 2. The second *solution* (for a python 2 virtual environment is to update the system packages: .. code-block:: bash sudo -i pip install --upgrade virtualenv pip install --upgrade pip # Ctrl D (no longer root) virtualenv -v --python=python2.7 venv-fabric 3. The third *solution* is to use the ``--no-cache-dir`` parameter e.g: .. code-block:: bash pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements/local.txt Remote Desktop ============== If you are having issues connecting Using *Remmina*, then try removing the *User name* and *Password*. This will help you see if the issue is to do with connection or authentication. Restic ====== From `0.8.3 Fatal: unable to create lock in backend: invalid data returned`_:: Fatal: unable to create lock in backend: load : invalid data returned To solve the issue, I deleted the lock from the command line e.g: .. code-block:: bash ssh rm restic/ Free Space ---------- If you reduce the retention periods using ``--keep-last``, ``--keep-hourly``, ``--keep-daily``, ``--keep-weekly``, ``--keep-monthly`` etc, then the space used will **not** reduce unless you ``prune`` the repository e.g: .. code-block:: bash /home/web/opt/restic -r prune /home/web/opt/restic -r prune Salt ==== debug ----- To run the master in the foreground, stop the service, then:: salt-master -l debug To run the minion in the foreground, stop the service, then:: salt-minion -l debug ``doesn't support architecture 'i386'`` --------------------------------------- When adding the following to ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list``:: deb bionic main You may get an error:: N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository ' bionic InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386' To solve this issue, insert ``[arch=amd64]``:: deb [arch=amd64] bionic main env --- I took a long time trying to find the fix for this issue:: Jinja variable 'env' is undefined I solved it by renaming the variable. I don't know... but I think perhaps ``env`` is a reserved name in Salt? Firewall -------- .. note:: For Ubuntu only... On the master and minion, open the Firewall for Salt:: ufw allow salt Java ---- Getting a weird error (which I don't really understand):: Cannot find a question for shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 To solve the issue, I ran the following:: # # this showed the issue # /bin/echo /usr/bin/debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 seen true | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections error: Cannot find a question for shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 # # to solve the issue # /bin/echo /usr/bin/debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections # /bin/echo /usr/bin/debconf shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 seen true | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections Jinja variable is undefined --------------------------- Trying to add a variable to the context of a Jinja template:: Unable to manage file: Jinja variable 'backup' is undefined I think the issue was the variable name. I tried ``backup`` and ``apple`` and they both failed. I renamed ``backup`` to ``enable_backup`` and it worked! Minion ID --------- To set the minion id:: # /etc/salt/minion id: cloud-a # re-start the minion and accept the key on the master service salt-minion restart .. note:: Might be worth checking out this article instead of editing the minion id: None issues in template variables --------------------------------- For information, see `When passing None to a template, the variable will be set to a string`_ pillar - refresh ---------------- To refresh the Salt pillar on all of your minions:: salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar For more information, see Pillar_ ``virtualenv.managed`` ---------------------- I couldn't get `virtualenv.managed`_ working with python 3, so I ended up following the instructions in `Using Salt with Python 3 and Pyvenv`_ Here is the working Salt state: `virtualenv using pyvenv`_ .. _`Using Salt with Python 3 and Pyvenv`: .. _`virtualenv using pyvenv`: .. _`virtualenv.managed`: Selenium ======== If you have issues with Selenium and Firefox, then try the following:: pip install -U selenium The following issue with chromedriver (v2.22):: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/chrome/", lin 82, in quit self.service.stop() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/chrome/", line 97, in stop url_request.urlopen("" % self.port) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 154, in urlopen return, data, timeout) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open response = self._open(req, data) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open '_open', req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain result = func(*args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1228, in http_open return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1198, in do_open raise URLError(err) urllib2.URLError: Was resolved by updating the version of chromedriver to v2.24. SOLR ==== The current version of Haystack has an issue with the ````: To temporarily fix the issue:: cdsitepackages vim +67 haystack/backends/ Edit the code so that it matches the fixed version on GitHub i.e:: for field in model._meta.fields: Sphinx ====== The ``sphinx-rtd-theme`` has an issue rendering bullet points: - - To solve this issue, install these requirements:: sphinx==6.1.1 sphinx-rtd-theme==1.2.0rc2 Tailwind ======== If Tailwind fails to render correctly when used with Ember and ``pnpm``, then try deleting ``pnpm-lock.yaml`` before running:: rm -rf dist/ node_modules/; and pnpm install; and pnpm start Ubuntu ====== Clearing "System Problem Detected" messages ------------------------------------------- Sometimes historical "System Problem Detected" message re-appear when Ubuntu is started. For example a problem with the chrome browser may not be reported to Ubuntu because the Chrome is not a supported package. These message are from files stored in the ``/var/crash`` directory. Investigate old crash messages Change to the crash reporting directory as follows:: cd /var/crash View the files in the directory as follows:: ls -al Files that end with ``.crash`` are ascii files containing the crash report detail. You can view them with your favourite editor (e.g. vim, nano or gedit). Some crash reports are readable by root only so you may need to use ``sudo`` to be able to view them. To use vim type:: sudo vim *.crash To use nano type:: sudo nano *.crash To use gedit type:: gksu gedit *.crash You'll be prompted for your password and on successful entry go to your editor Delete historical crash messages To delete historical crash messages type :: sudo rm /var/crash/* Any new crash messages that appear after that should be investigated. uwsgi ===== It seems that a new cloud server using python 3 doesn't install ``uwsgi`` correctly into the virtual environment. Check the supervisor error log for uwsgi:: /var/log/supervisor/uwsgi-stderr If you get the following:: exec: uwsgi: not found Then:: sudo -i -u web cd /home/web/repo/uwsgi . venv_uwsgi/bin/activate pip install uwsgi==2.0.1 The version of ``uwsgi`` can be found in VPN === If the firewall is failing to block access to ``ssh``, then check the ``/etc/ssh/sshd_config`` file to make sure it includes the following line:: Include /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/*.conf If you upgraded Ubuntu from a version earlier than 20.04, then the file may have been modified by a Salt state and be invalid. To fix the issue, copy ``/etc/ssh/sshd_config`` from another server (for example commands, see `Ticket 4445`_ on the 21/12/2021). Windows ======= Issue with time when dual booting --------------------------------- To correctly synchronise the time in windows when dual booting start ``regedit`` and navigate to:: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation Right click anywhere in the right pane and choose New | DWORD (32-bit) Value. Name it:: RealTimeIsUniversal then double click on it and give it a value of 1 see `Incorrect Clock Settings in Windows When Dual-Booting with OS X or Linux`_ .. _`0.8.3 Fatal: unable to create lock in backend: invalid data returned`: .. _`bind() to failed`: .. _`configs with dots in file name not working in /etc/cron.d`: .. _`fabric, Connection, __init__`: .. _`Failed to load PDF document`: .. _`Flowable forum - Liquibase changeLogLock`: .. _`How To Add Swap Space on Ubuntu 16.04`: .. _`Incorrect Clock Settings in Windows When Dual-Booting with OS X or Linux`: .. _`Python 3's pathlib Module: Taming the File System`: .. _`React to django CORS issue`: .. _`release notes`: .. _`setting up environment in virtaulenv using python3 stuck on setuptools, pip, wheel`: .. _`soffice.bin using 100% of CPU`: .. _`Ticket 4445`: .. _`Upgrade container to Ubuntu 18.04`: .. _`Using the @shared_task decorator`: .. _`When passing None to a template, the variable will be set to a string`: .. _Pillar: .. _`6 Easy Solutions - Fix Outlook Not Showing All Emails Issue`: