Monitor - Grafana (Loki), Elastic and Raygun ******************************************** .. highlight:: python Grafana / Loki / Promtail ========================= - For help and support, try the `Grafana Labs Community Forum`_ Grafana ------- *Alerting*, *Contact points*, edit ``grafana-default-email`` e.g. .. image:: ./misc/monitor/2022-06-07-grafana-alert-email.png Promtail -------- To add logging to a server, add ``config.promtail`` to the ``top.sls`` file in the pillar e.g:: base: '*': - global.users 'server': - config.promtail - - config.workflow Where ``config.promtail`` contains the IP address of the Loki host e.g:: promtail: loki_host: To check the status of the Promtail service on a server:: journalctl -u promtail.service -f Raygun ====== In ``settings/``:: # raygun middleware added in ```` # See note dated 12/02/2021 on # MIDDLEWARE = ("raygun4py.middleware.django.Provider",) + MIDDLEWARE RAYGUN4PY_CONFIG = { "api_key": get_env_variable("RAYGUN4PY_API_KEY"), "ignored_exceptions": ["EmptyPage", "Http404", "PermissionDenied"], "transmit_environment_variables": False, } To get the name of the exception to add to ``ignored_exceptions`` e.g. for ``EmptyPage``:: shell 07:44:28 >>> from django.core.paginator import EmptyPage >>> EmptyPage.__name__ 'EmptyPage' In ``settings/`` (just a comment):: MIDDLEWARE = ( # raygun middleware added in ```` # See note dated 12/02/2021 on # # "raygun4py.middleware.django.Provider", In ````:: set -x RAYGUN4PY_API_KEY "my-raygun-api-key" In ``.gitlab-ci.yml```:: test: script: - export RAYGUN4PY_API_KEY="my-raygun-api-key" Testing ------- :: shell >>> from raygun4py.cli import send_test_exception >>> from django.conf import settings >>> send_test_exception(settings.RAYGUN4PY_CONFIG["api_key"]) Elastic - Hosted Server ======================= .. tip:: I think we need to install X-Pack to get the APM dashboards. (from `elastic, Doubling Down on Open`_, *X-Pack features - ... dedicated APM UIs*) 30/12/2020 We are using the Elastic hosted service, so no need to setup a server (for now). Connectors ---------- To configure Sparkpost: .. image:: ./misc/elastic-sparkpost-connector.png .. tip:: For more information, see Server Configuration ==================== To create a server acting as a ``monitor`` using Elastic APM, add the following to the ``top.sls`` file of your pillar: .. code-block:: yaml base: '*': - global.users 'elastic-*': - config.firewall.monitor - config.kibana - .. tip:: My monitor servers all start with a ``hostname`` of ``elastic-``. ``config/kibana.sls``: .. code-block:: yaml kibana: True ``config/search.sls``: .. code-block:: yaml search: True ``config/firewall/monitor.sls``: .. code-block:: yaml firewall: monitor: # My server - # My other server - Re-start services (it might be a good idea to ``tail`` the log files first):: service elasticsearch restart service kibana restart service apm-server restart Check the log files:: tail -f /var/log/syslog tail -f /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log tail -f /var/log/apm-server/apm-server .. warning:: If you re-start ``apm-server``, the log file will be re-created, so you will need to re-start the ``tail``. Tips ==== To run the APM server in the foreground: .. code-block:: bash service apm-server stop apm-server -e To view the web interface of the monitor server on your workstation: .. code-block:: bash ssh -N -L 8888:localhost:5601 .. note:: This command tunnels the HTTP service from port 5601 on the monitor server (Kibana) to your local workstation on port 8888. Browse to: http://localhost:8888/ to view the dashboards. To make this easier, add the following to ``~/.ssh/config``:: Host elasticapm Hostname LocalForward 8888 localhost:5601 Now you can type ``ssh -N elasticapm`` to run it in the foreground and ``ssh -f -N elasticapm`` to run it in the background. You could then add the following to your ``~/.bashrc`` which means that the monitoring is available when you turn on your computer (it's wrapped in an ``if`` statement so the ssh tunnel is only set up the first time the bash startup file is executed):: if [ "$(ss --listen | grep 8888 | head -n 1)" = "" ]; then ssh -f -N elasticapm fi Site Configuration ================== Add the following to ``requirements/base.txt``:: elastic-apm== .. tip:: See :doc:`dev-requirements` for the current version. In ``settings/``:: MIDDLEWARE = ( 'elasticapm.contrib.django.middleware.TracingMiddleware', THIRD_PARTY_APPS = ( 'elasticapm.contrib.django', .. note:: Make sure that ``TracingMiddleware`` is the first ``MIDDLEWARE`` in the list. In ``settings/``, add the following to ``LOGGING`` (`Elastic APM and Django Logging`_):: "handlers": { "elasticapm": { "level": "WARNING", "class": "elasticapm.contrib.django.handlers.LoggingHandler", }, "loggers": { # Log errors from the Elastic APM module to the console (recommended) "elasticapm.errors": { "level": "ERROR", "handlers": ["console", "logfile"], "propagate": False, }, In ``settings/``:: ELASTIC_APM = {"DISABLE_SEND": True} In ``settings/``:: DOMAIN = get_env_variable('DOMAIN') DATABASE = DOMAIN.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_') ELASTIC_APM = { "DISABLE_SEND": get_env_variable_bool("MONITOR_DISABLE_SEND"), "SECRET_TOKEN": get_env_variable("MONITOR_SECRET_TOKEN"), "SERVER_URL": get_env_variable("MONITOR_SERVER_URL"), "SERVICE_NAME": DATABASE_NAME, } .. note:: Refer to your company :doc:`checklist` and replace ```` with the name of your server. .. note:: ``DOMAIN`` and ``DATABASE`` should already exist in ````. .. _monitor_firewall_config: Deploy ------ Find the external IP address of your workstation:: dig +short Add it to ``config/firewall/monitor.sls`` in your pillar e.g: .. code-block:: yaml firewall: monitor: # web server - # yourbiz - .. tip:: Please add a comment to show which server / workstation has the IP address. Copy the pillar to your Salt master and run a ``state.apply`` to update the firewall on your monitor server e.g: .. code-block:: bash salt 'elastic-monitor' state.apply --state-verbose=False Check you have included ``config/monitor.sls`` in your pillar e.g: .. code-block:: yaml monitor: server_url: To check your configuration, run:: python elasticapm check To send a test exception using the current settings, run:: python elasticapm test To disable monitoring for your test (or temporary) site: .. code-block:: yaml # sites/my.sls sites: hatherleigh_info: monitor: False Curator ======= Delete / clean APM monitor indexes... Install:: wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add - # update # /etc/apt/sources.list.d/curator.list # and add deb [arch=amd64] stable main apt update apt install elasticsearch-curator List ``apm`` indexes:: curator_cli --host localhost show_indices --filter_list '[{"filtertype":"pattern","kind":"prefix","value":"apm-"}]' Clean indexes older than 60 days:: curator_cli --host localhost delete_indices --filter_list '[{"filtertype":"pattern","kind":"prefix","value":"apm-7.2.0-"}, {"filtertype":"age","source":"name","timestring":"%Y.%m.%d","unit":"days","unit_count":1,"direction":"older"}]' .. tip:: Update the ``value`` to match the indexes you want to delete. Old Notes ========= - :doc:`old/monitor` .. _`Elastic APM and Django Logging`: .. _`elastic, Doubling Down on Open`: .. _`Grafana Labs Community Forum`: