Checkout (before Stripe SCA) **************************** .. highlight:: python - - Source code documentation for :doc:`app-checkout` .. note:: This app replaces the old :doc:`app-pay` ````:: from checkout.forms import CheckoutForm class JobCheckoutForm(CheckoutForm): class Meta: model = Job fields = ( 'action', ) ````:: from checkout.views import CheckoutMixin class JobCheckoutView( PageFormMixin, CheckoutMixin, BaseMixin, UpdateView): model = Job form_class = JobCheckoutForm In the ``html`` template: .. code-block:: html {% include '_form.html' with submit='Checkout' form_id='id_checkout_form' %} {% block script %} {{ block.super }} {% include 'checkout/_stripe.js.html' %} {% endblock script %} In your ``.private`` file, add your test keys for Stripe: .. code-block:: bash export STRIPE_PUBLISH_KEY="pk_test_123" export STRIPE_SECRET_KEY="sk_test_456" Testing:: from checkout.tests.helper import check_checkout @pytest.mark.django_db def test_checkout(): obj = JobFactory() check_checkout(obj) Payment Plan Instalment ======================= If a user has marked a payment plan instalment as paid (using *Mark Paid*) and you want to make it due again. Find the primary key of the ``ObjectPaymentPlanInstalment`` which is due:: from checkout.models import ObjectPaymentPlanInstalment content_object = ObjectPaymentPlanInstalment.objects.get(pk=3164) Check the payment plan is for the correct person:: content_object.object_payment_plan.content_object # Create a ``Checkout`` object and ``fail`` the payment:: from checkout.models import Checkout, CheckoutAction from django.contrib.auth.models import User user = User.objects.get(username="patrick.kimber") checkout = Checkout.objects.create_checkout(CheckoutAction.objects.manual, content_object, user) Stripe ====== To set-up Stripe, tick *Payment reviews* in *Emails* (*Settings*). Stripe will send email notifications for new payments placed in the review queue. Testing ======= Mock ---- To mock ``stripe.Charge.create`` and ``stripe.Customer.create``:: import attr from unittest.mock import patch @attr.s class StripeCustomer: id = attr.ib() @patch("stripe.Charge.create") @patch("stripe.Customer.create", return_value=StripeCustomer(id="xyz")) @pytest.mark.django_db def test_payment(mock_charge, mock_customer, client): _check_success(client) assert mock_charge.called is True assert mock_customer.called is True Customers --------- If you are using a **copy** of the live data set and you want to run test payments, then you might get a ``No such customer`` error. This is because the customer numbers on the live system will not match the customer numbers on your test system. To remove the customer records on the live system:: from checkout.models import Customer Customer.objects.all().delete() Payment Plan ------------ To test the payment plans... Find a valid customer ID on the Stripe dashboard e.g:: ``cus_DsK5YbWqKHP9jj``. Imports:: from datetime import date from checkout.models import Customer, ObjectPaymentPlanInstalment Update all customers on your data set to point to this customer e.g:: Customer.objects.update(customer_id='cus_DsK5YbWqKHP9jj') Find an instalment which is *due*:: next_due = date(2018, 11, 1) instalment = ObjectPaymentPlanInstalment.objects.filter(due=next_due).first() Set the date on the instalment to ``today``:: instalment.due = Check the instalment is due (and meets all other conditions):: ObjectPaymentPlanInstalment.objects.due Run the payment run management command:: process_payments