pay *** .. highlight:: python Design ====== Are the class names in this app correct? Should we be checking out a cart? i.e. Should the ``Payment`` class be called ``Cart`` and the ``PaymentLine`` class be the items in the cart? Workflow - Payment Plans ------------------------ The ``Payment`` class will create a ``PaymentPlan`` record. Stripe ====== In your ``settings/``, add ``pay`` to your apps e.g:: LOCAL_APPS = ( 'project', ... 'pay', In your ``requirements/base.txt``, add ``stripe`` e.g:: ... South stripe In your ``settings/`` module, add the following:: # Stripe STRIPE_CAPTION = 'Company Name' STRIPE_PUBLISH_KEY = get_env_variable('STRIPE_PUBLISH_KEY') STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = get_env_variable('STRIPE_SECRET_KEY') .. note:: ``STRIPE_CAPTION`` is used (by the ``pay`` app) as the caption for the pop-up dialog. Make sure your site pillar includes the Stripe keys e.g: .. code-block:: yaml uwsgi_port: 3041 stripe_publish_key: pk_test_6pRNASCoBOKtIshFeQd4XMUh stripe_secret_key: sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2 When setting up your project for local development, you will need to set the environment variables as follows: .. code-block:: bash export STRIPE_PUBLISH_KEY="your_stripe_publish_key" export STRIPE_SECRET_KEY="your_stripe_secret_key" .. note:: Replace ``your_stripe_publish_key`` and ``your_stripe_secret_key`` with the test versions of the *publishable* and *secret* key. Error ----- Testing ------- PayPal ====== .. warning:: I don't have PayPal working yet... Using your PayPal account, set-up two test accounts, one for the buyer (personal) and one for the merchant (business): Add ``paypal.standard.ipn`` to ``settings/`` e.g:: THIRD_PARTY_APPS = ( 'paypal.standard.ipn', Add ``paypal`` to ``requirements/base.txt``:: git+ In your ``settings/`` module, add the following:: # PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL = get_env_variable('PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL') PAYPAL_TEST = True Make sure your site pillar includes the merchants email address e.g: .. code-block:: yaml mailgun_send: True ... paypal_receiver_email: When setting up your project for local development, you will need to set the environment variables as follows (this can be added to ``README.rst``): .. code-block:: bash echo "export PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL=\"\"" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate echo "unset PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postdeactivate .. note:: Replace ```` with your PayPal merchant email address. Notes ----- Using, I think the *Pro (WPP)* API requires the merchant to pay 20 pounds per month: For the standard version, I think I can implement ``IPN`` AND ``PDT``. Just have to be careful not to credit the account twice! Links ----- Issues ====== To view a payment and it's status:: from pay.models import Payment p = Payment.objects.get(pk=15) p.state p.created p.content_object