Backup ****** .. highlight:: bash In the examples below replace: - ``drop-temp`` with your server name - ``hatherleigh_info`` with your site name - ``patrick`` with your user name ``ssh`` into the server... Find the database password and IP address:: cat /home/web/repo/uwsgi/vassals/hatherleigh_info.ini | grep DB_PASS cat /home/web/repo/uwsgi/vassals/hatherleigh_info.ini | grep DB_IP Backup the data:: mkdir -p ~/repo/backup/postgres/ export PGPASSWORD="" pg_dump -U hatherleigh_info -h hatherleigh_info -f ~/repo/backup/postgres/hatherleigh_info.sql Exit the shell and copy the file back to your workstation:: cd ~/repo/backup/postgres/ scp drop-temp:/home/patrick/repo/backup/postgres/hatherleigh_info.sql . To restore the database, see :doc:`dev-restore`