Monitor ******* .. highlight:: bash ElasticAPM ========== You can use (or you could use our own Graphite monitoring solution - which doesn't really work properly yet)! Opbeat ====== Requirements: .. code-block:: text # requirements/base.txt opbeat .. tip:: Find the version number in :doc:`../dev-requirements` In ``settings/`` for the project:: THIRD_PARTY_APPS = ( 'opbeat.contrib.django', MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'opbeat.contrib.django.middleware.OpbeatAPMMiddleware', OPBEAT = { 'ORGANIZATION_ID': get_env_variable('OPBEAT_ORGANIZATION_ID'), 'APP_ID': get_env_variable('OPBEAT_APP_ID'), 'SECRET_TOKEN': get_env_variable('OPBEAT_SECRET_TOKEN'), } .. note:: The ``OpbeatAPMMiddleware`` in the ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` must come first in the list. .. note:: I thought about using the Opbeat logging config, but it doesn't have the same file handlers and has a ``mysite`` section (which I don't understand). In ``settings/``:: OPBEAT['APP_ID'] = None The Opbeat monitor is configured in the pillar file for the site e.g: .. code-block:: yaml hatherleigh_info: profile: django domain: opbeat: 1234 .. note:: Find the ``APP_ID``, ``ORGANIZATION_ID`` and ``SECRET_TOKEN`` on the Opbeat app set-up wizard. .. note:: Add the ``APP_ID`` to the site config. Add the ``ORGANIZATION_ID`` and ``SECRET_TOKEN`` to the ``config/opbeat.sls`` file in the pillar e.g. .. code-block:: yaml opbeat: organization_id: 1234 secret_token: 1234 Graphite ======== .. _monitor_server: Server ------ To create a monitor (Graphite) server, start by adding a ``monitor`` section to the ``pillar``: .. code-block:: yaml monitor: uwsgi_port: 3032 db_pass: your-db-password secret_key: my-secret-key-generated-by-django domain: Note: - We normally install a monitor onto a separate server because our apps use python 3 and Graphite uses python 2 (not sure if they will work together). - To generate a unique secret key, see :ref:`generate_secret_key` - The ``domain`` is used to fill in the Django ``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` field. You will probably want to copy this domain to the ``django`` pillar file (see below). :: psql -X -U postgres -c "CREATE ROLE graphite WITH PASSWORD '' NOSUPERUSER CREATEDB NOCREATEROLE LOGIN;" psql -X -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE graphite WITH OWNER=graphite TEMPLATE=template0 ENCODING='utf-8';" Diagnostics ----------- Check storage schema:: /opt/graphite/bin/ Client ------ The monitor client is configured in the ``django`` pillar file e.g: .. code-block:: yaml django: monitor: .. note:: This will probably be the same as the domain name configured in the server (see :ref:`monitor_server` above). Diagnostics ----------- To run ``statsd`` without ``supervisord``:: /usr/bin/nodejs /opt/statsd/stats.js /opt/statsd/localConfig.js To view the messages received by ``statd``, edit ``/opt/statsd/localConfig.js`` and add ``dumpMessages: true`` e.g:: { graphitePort: 2003, graphiteHost: "", port: 8125, dumpMessages: true, backends: [ "./backends/graphite" ] } .. tip:: Don't forget to stop ``statsd`` in ``supervisorctl`` if running from the command line. From `Looking Under the Covers of StatsD`_ To see the statistics from the management interface:: echo "stats" | nc localhost 8126 (echo "timers" | nc localhost 8126) (echo "counters" | nc localhost 8126) To see if the monitor server is accepting connections:: telnet 2003 To send some data to ``statsd``:: echo "foo:1|c" | nc -u -w0 8125 .. _`Looking Under the Covers of StatsD`: