WordPress (Old Notes) ********************* - :doc:`../sys-wordpress` Backup Files ============ I had no good plan for backing up and restoring WordPress files. Try one of the following: - lftp_ - ftp_ - cPanel_ - UpdraftPlus_ lftp ---- Find your FTP login details and log into your server. Identify the folder containing your WordPress site e.g. ``public_html``. .. tip:: Depending on your site, you could download the whole of the site folder or just the ``wp-content`` folder and the ``wp-config.php`` settings file. Use ``lftp`` to mirror the folder to your cloud server. You may need to install `lftp``:: apt install lftp .. tip:: The `mirror_remote_directory_to_local_directory`_ script works very well (copy in the ``misc`` folder for our customer). Remember to update your user name, password, host name and folder. ftp --- If you prefer not to use ``lftp``, then ``wget`` should work:: wget -r -l 0 --ftp-user="user@name.co.uk" --ftp-password=abcdefgh ftp://72.720.72.72/public_html/* .. note:: My user name was an email address. Using the separate parameters allows us to enclose this in double quotes. cPanel ------ If you ask cPanel to create a *Backup* in the root folder, download it:: wget ftp://72.720.72.72/backup-10.25.2021_09-04-06_abcdef.tar.gz --ftp-user=user@name.co.uk --ftp-password=abcdefgh UpdraftPlus ----------- If you use the *UpdraftPlus* plugin, *Backup Now*, make sure to *Include your files in the backup* and *Send this backup to remote storage*... - `How do I restore my site with UpdraftPlus?`_ - I want to restore, but cannot or have failed to do so from the WP Admin console, `can I restore manually?`_. .. _`can I restore manually?`: https://updraftplus.com/faqs/i-want-to-restore-but-have-either-cannot-or-have-failed-to-do-so-from-the-wp-admin-console/ .. _`How do I restore my site with UpdraftPlus?`: https://updraftplus.com/faqs/restore-site-updraftplus/ .. _`mirror_remote_directory_to_local_directory`: https://gist.github.com/pixeline/0f9f922cffb5a6bba97a