Backup (PC/Laptop Repair) ************************* Extra instructions for `PC / Laptop Repair Options and Sequence`_ Outlook ======= Outlook stores mail, calendars and contacts is a ``.pst`` file in ``C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook`` by default although it can be changed by the user. An exception to this is if the mail account is set to be available *Off Line*... in which case the file is an ``.ost`` With Outlook closed you can copy the file or... From in Outlook (2010) choose *File*, *Options*, *Advanced* and select *Export* choose *export to a file as a .pst*... then select the mail account (or just calendar or individual mail folders or contacts), choose where to save the file *no duplicates*... Go!! .. _`PC / Laptop Repair Options and Sequence`: