Add swap space to a server ************************** - :doc:`sys-wordpress` Introduction ============ This is a healthy server with 8G of RAM and 3GB of available RAM (``avail Mem``): .. image:: ./misc/2022-03-17-swap-avail-mem.png .. tip:: ``buff/cache`` is memory utilised by Linux to optimise performance. It is still *available RAM* and can be used if necessary. This is an unhealthy server with 4GB of RAM. The available RAM (``avail Mem``) is very low and the ``buff/cache`` is also very low: .. image:: ./misc/2022-03-17-swap-avail-mem-not-enough.png This is the unhealthy server after adding swap (using the instructions below): .. image:: ./misc/2022-03-17-swap-avail-mem-not-enough-added-swap.png - You can see the 4GB of swap (``MiB Swap``). - The server still has ``601.7 avail Mem`` - 3.5GB of swap is ``free`` and available if required. Steps ===== Adapted from .. tip:: I asked *How do you decide how much swap to create?*, Malcolm says, *Same size as memory*... .. tip:: For a WordPress server, Malcolm suggests *that you install a largeish* *swap, then if it uses too much memory it will just run slow rather* *than falling over... need to set the server params to make sure it* *doesn't use swap unless absolutely necessary*... Examine existing swap config:: sudo swapon --show Check available space:: df -h Allocate file for swap and configure:: sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile Edit fstab and apply the setting:: sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab sudo swapon --all View the swapiness and cache pressure settings:: cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness # probably displays 60 - reduce this to 10 (see below) # so that swap is only used if absolutely necessary cat /proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure # probably displays 100 - reduce this to 50 (see below) # to ease the pressure on RAM resources (unless RAM is plentiful). Edit ``/etc/sysctl.conf`` to set new values for these - add these 2 lines to the end of the file:: vm.swappiness=10 vm.vfs_cache_pressure=50 Apply these settings:: sudo sysctl -p View the settings using cat commands above or:: sudo sysctl -a Remove ====== :: sudo swapoff -v /swapfile Remove entry from ``/etc/fstab``:: /swapfile none swap sw 0 0 Remove ``swapfile``:: sudo rm /swapfile