VPN *** Server ====== .. note:: When creating the VPN server, prefix the host name with ``vpn-`` so the Salt states pick up the correct defaults. Client (Linux) ============== Run the ``salt-minion-setup`` script (to add the server to the KB VPN) (should be in the ``~/Private/scripts/src`` folder): - The ``salt-minion-setup`` script creates the private and public keys on the client and displays the public key on the screen. - These need to be added to the ``sites/vpn-my.sls`` pillar file on the Salt master. - Apply the states. - Restart the interface (``wg-quick down wg0 && wg-quick up wg0``). .. tip:: Don't forget to setup the :ref:`firewall_wireguard` Client (Windows) ================ Download and install Wireguard https://www.wireguard.com/install/ Log in as an administrator and *Create a new connection* (*Add empty tunnel*) This will create an ini file with a public and private key. Copy the *Public key* to your Salt master and configure the pillar for your VPN server e.g:: cd /srv/pillar vim sites/vpn-my.sls Add the IP address to the ``dns``, ``zones`` and ``vpn`` sections e.g: .. code-block:: yaml server_meta: dns: zones: - name: db.my.vpn entries: - { name: '', type: A, value: } - { name: my-test-laptop, type: A, value: } vpn: peers: my-test-laptop: PublicKey: AllowedIPs: Apply the salt state... Back to the Wireguard Windows client... Add the following to the connection (adjusting to match your network):: Address = 10.10.3./32 DNS = [Peer] PublicKey = AllowedIPs = Endpoint = vpn-my.hatherleigh.info:51820 PersistentKeepalive = 25 .. image:: ./misc/2021-03-18-vpn-edit.png *Save* and *Activate* .. image:: ./misc/2021-03-18-vpn-detail.png Troubleshooting =============== Connection issues ----------------- The ``PublicKey`` in the ``Peer`` section of the configuration is the public key of the *server*, not the workstation:: [Peer] PublicKey = abc123... DNS --- Restart the laptop or:: sudo -i wg-quick down wg0 && wg-quick up wg0 .. tip:: Does ``sudo wg show`` display more than VPN tunnel? MD is running 22.04 and name resolution has changed since 20.04 (``systemd-resolve`` no longer exists - it's been replaced with ``resolvectl``) (perhaps there are other changes under the hood that helps with having multiple tunnels). Unstable connection ------------------- Check to make sure you are not using the configuration in two (or more) places! Malcolm says: Yes the vpn configuration file specifies the IP address - so two vpn connections using the same config will constantly break each other