WordPress - WooCommerce *********************** - :doc:`app-woocommerce` - :doc:`sys-wordpress` - :doc:`sys-wordpress-plugin` - :doc:`sys-wordpress-security` - :doc:`sys-wordpress-update` Plugins ======= CedCommerce, ManoMano Integration For WooCommerce ------------------------------------------------- - Plugin Home Page https://cedcommerce.com/woocommerce-extensions/manomano-integration-woocommerce - Docs https://woocommerce.com/document/manomano-integration-for-woocommerce/ - Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot5wYT_jhzQ - ManoMano - Automatic Import page (Dynamic Sellers) :download:`./misc/wordpress/Automatic Import page _Dynamic Sellers_ EN version.pdf` Request API credentials from ManoMano (by email to support.technique@manomano.com). Enter these credentials in two places: 1. *CedCommerce*, *Manomano*, *Add Account*: .. image:: ./misc/wordpress/2022-07-06-woocommerce-mano-mano-add-account.png 2. *CedCommerce*, *Manomano*, *Configure*, *SETTINGS*, *ORDER CONFIGURATION*: .. image:: ./misc/wordpress/2022-06-29-manomano-api-credentials.png .. tip:: 06/07/2022, WhatsApp conversation with CED tech support, *Do we enter the API credentials into both?*: *Please use API credentials*, *As api credentials needed to fetch order from manomano*. *Yes as due to password get changed*. veeqo ----- `Setting up your WooCommerce store via FTP`_ - Only an administrator can disable a channel. Theme ===== We are using the *Flatsome* theme... To edit the theme, browse to the WordPress *Dashboard*. WooCommerce includes several Widgets_ ... The filtering for *WooCommerce* products is configured in two places: - *Appearance*, *Widgets*. - *Flatsome*, *Theme Options*, *Widgets*, *Shop Sidebar* .. warning:: If the *Shop Sidebar* isn't included in the list (e.g. you only see *Footer 1* and *Footer 2*), then browse to a product category page and it should appear!! .. tip:: For details on adding *Sidebar Widgets*, see `WooCommerce Lesson #14. How to Use WooCommerce Sidebar Widgets`_ Products ======== .. tip:: Also see `Products - CSV`_ (below)... Attributes ---------- `WooCommerce documentation, Product attributes`_ *Products* , *Attributes*, *Add new attribute* After creating the attribute, *Configure terms* .. note:: *Attributes* have fixed selection of terms, so are not useful for product specific data e.g. rack location in a warehouse. To set the attribute, edit a product, select *Product data*, *Attributes*, select your new *Custom product attribute* and select a term e.g. .. image:: ./misc/wordpress/2022-06-22-woocommerce-product-attributes.png Catalog ------- To remove pagination, *Dashboard*, *Appearance*, *Customize*, *WooCommerce*, *Product Catalog*, set *Rows per page* to ``0``: .. image:: ./misc/wordpress/2021-11-04-theme-woocommerce-product-catalog-rows-per-page.png For more information, see `Ticket 5897`_ Tags ---- Are created in a similar way to Attributes_, and are linked to a product. Tags do not have a value. Products - CSV ============== .. tip:: Also see `Products`_ (above)... .. warning:: From `WooCommerce, Product CSV Importer and Exporter`, If possible, avoid Microsoft Excel due to formatting and character encoding issues. Import / export options are at the top of the *Products* page: .. image:: ./misc/wordpress/2022-06-27-woocommerce-product-csv-import-export.png Import Products --------------- Columns required in CSV file: - Type (e.g. ``Simple``) - Categories (e.g. ``THE 80s``) - SKU (e.g. ``ABC2024V``) - Description (e.g. ``Green T Shirt``) - Regular price (e.g. £87.99 – this is the RRP including VAT) - Sale price (e.g. £79.99 – this is the PROMO including VAT) - EAN (e.g. ``123450000000`` – this is the barcode) Import process summary: - Login as admin. - Sidebar => Products. - ‘Import’ button. - Choose file (CSV). - Either: - Tick the checkbox to update existing products and not create new products. - Untick the checkbox to create new products and not update existing products. - ‘Continue’ button. - As long as column headings match the list above, the mapping will be automatically set. - ‘Run the importer’ button. Import Cost Price Updates ------------------------- .. warning:: From `WooCommerce, Product CSV Importer and Exporter`, If possible, avoid Microsoft Excel due to formatting and character encoding issues. .. tip:: This process creates custom fields and is not restricted to cost prices. A custom field is created by adding a prefix of 'meta:' before your column heading, e.g. ``meta:cost_price``. Columns required in CSV file: - ``SKU`` (e.g. ``AB1234HIJK``) - ``meta:cost_price`` (e.g. 1579.94) Import process is as above but ensure that the checkbox to update existing products is ticked. Questions ========= 1. Would you update this? Might the theme need updating as well? You have version 5.0.3 installed. Update to 6.3.1. View version 6.3.1 details. Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2: 100% (according to its author) .. image:: ./misc/wordpress/2022-04-04-woocommerce-update-major.jpg Widgets ======= Widgets included with WooCommerce https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-widgets/ One of these is, *Filter Products by Attribute* which will *Display a list of attributes to filter products in your store*. .. _`Setting up your WooCommerce store via FTP`: https://help.veeqo.com/en/articles/4256002-setting-up-your-woocommerce-store-via-ftp .. _`Ticket 5897`: https://www.kbsoftware.co.uk/crm/ticket/5897/ .. _`WooCommerce documentation, Product attributes`: https://woocommerce.com/document/managing-product-taxonomies/#section-6 .. _`WooCommerce Lesson #14. How to Use WooCommerce Sidebar Widgets`: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06SQHx2FVps .. _`WooCommerce, Product CSV Importer and Exporter`: https://woocommerce.com/document/product-csv-importer-exporter/