mail **** .. highlight:: python Icon:: We have other mail related apps: - :doc:`app-mailchimp` - :doc:`app-mandrill`. Do **NOT** use this app. The code was moved to the ``mail`` app. - :doc:`sys-postfix` Prerequisites ============= Setup :doc:`celery`... The mail app supports sending mail using Mandrill_ or :doc:`sys-sparkpost` Requirements ============ Add the mail app to ``requirements/local.txt``:: -e ../../app/mail - `Mandrill Requirements`_ - `Sparkpost Requirements`_ Management Commands =================== check-mail-size --------------- Uses ``file_size_as_base64`` to check the size of file attachments when encoded to base64?:: django-admin check-mail-size 100 .. tip:: The parameter is the ``pk`` of the ``Mail`` model (source code in ``mail/management/commands/``). email-has-clean-history ----------------------- Check the email address to see if it has a clean history i.e. has **not** been rejected for spam, bouncing etc:: django-admin email-has-clean-history .. tip:: The source code is in the ``mail`` app in ``mail/management/commands/`` email-init-rejected ------------------- To reject an email address after checking Mandrill. Has the following parameters: 1. email address (case is ignored) 2. Reason for rejection, ``hard-bounce``, ``soft-bounce`` or ``spam`` 3. Name of the template (should be an optional parameter) :: django-admin email-init-rejected soft-bounce notify-weekly .. tip:: The source code is in the ``mail`` app in ``mail/management/commands/`` mail_send --------- Send all pending mail messages:: django-admin mail_send .. tip:: Check ``MailManager``, ``get_mail_to_send`` for selection criteria. Settings ======== In your ``settings/``, add ``mail`` to your apps e.g:: LOCAL_APPS = ( 'project', ... 'mail', And add the default from address:: DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '' Add the template type:: MAIL_TEMPLATE_TYPE = get_env_variable("MAIL_TEMPLATE_TYPE") # if you are not using third party templates, you can use: MAIL_TEMPLATE_TYPE = "django" .. warning:: Don't forget to set the ``EMAIL_BACKEND`` to use Mandrill or Sparkpost as appropriate. In ``project/management/commands/`` (see :doc:`dev-apscheduler` for more information):: # process_mail scheduler.add_job( "mail.tasks:schedule_process_mail", "interval", minutes=60, id="schedule_process_mail", max_instances=1, replace_existing=True, ) If you look for rejected email addresses using Mandrill:: # mandrill - find rejected email # scheduler.add_job( "mail.tasks:schedule_find_rejected_email", "cron", hour=2, minute=30, id="schedule_find_rejected_email", max_instances=1, replace_existing=True, ) - `Mandrill Settings`_ - `Sparkpost Settings`_ Deploy ====== - `Mandrill Deploy`_ - `Sparkpost Deploy`_ A ``host_name`` for your site will automatically be generated by Salt. If you need to override this, then you can set the ``host_name`` in the pillar. For more information, see :ref:`pillar_host_name`. .. note:: Our standard is to use ``host_name`` rather than the Django ``build_absolute_uri`` method for adding links to email messages. Usage ===== .. important:: The ``slug`` value for the template name should always be in lower case. We will make all Mandrill template names lower case - using underscores instead of a space. Create a Template ----------------- :: from django.conf import settings from mail.models import MailTemplate # slug for the email template PAYMENT_THANKYOU = 'payment_thankyou' MailTemplate.objects.init_mail_template( PAYMENT_THANKYOU, 'Thank you for your payment', ( "You can add the following variables to the template:\n" "{{ NAME }} name of the customer.\n" "{{ DATE }} date of the transaction.\n" "{{ DESCRIPTION }} transaction detail.\n" "{{ TOTAL }} total value of the transaction." ), False, MailTemplate.MANDRILL, subject='Thank you for your payment', description="We will send you the course materials.", ) Queue an email -------------- .. note:: In the examples below, ``self.object`` is an object which the email will be linked to. To queue an email without using a template:: from mail.models import Notify from mail.service import queue_mail_message email_addresses = [ for n in Notify.objects.all()] if email_addresses: queue_mail_message( self.object, email_addresses, subject, message, ) else: logging.error( "Cannot send email notification of payment. " "No email addresses set-up in 'mail.models.Notify'" ) To add attachments, add a list of file names to the ``queue_mail_message`` function e.g:: from mail.service import queue_mail_message queue_mail_message( self.object, [''], subject, message, attachments=['/temp/note.doc'], # attachments to be a simple path rather than a copy of the 'FileField' # attachments_use_path=True, ) .. note:: Attachments are only available on the ``queue_mail_message`` function. They do not work with templates (``queue_mail_template``). Queue an email template ----------------------- :: from mail.service import queue_mail_template context = { '': { "DATE": created.strftime("%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S"), "DESCRIPTION": description, "NAME": "Re: {}".format(subject), "TOTAL": "123.34", }, } queue_mail_template( self.object, 'enquiry_acknowledgement', context, ) A dictionary or list can be added to the context if required e.g:: context = { '': { "cake": ['Carrot', 'Ginger'], "fruit": {'a': 'Apple'}, }, } .. note:: The data will be serialized and deserialized using ``json.dumps`` and ``json.loads``, so not all data types have their types preserved (for some unknown reason) e.g. ``datetime`` becomes a string. Send queued emails ------------------ :: from django.db import transaction from mail.tasks import process_mail # with a transaction transaction.on_commit(lambda: process_mail.send()) # without a transaction process_mail.send() To send email, you can use the ``mail_send`` management command e.g: .. code-block:: bash django-admin mail_send Testing ======= Unit Testing ------------ Pick some code from the following (just a quick reference):: from mail.models import Message from mail.tests.factories import MailTemplateFactory MailTemplateFactory(slug=Enrol.MAIL_TEMPLATE_CHARGE) NotifyFactory() # check email template context assert 1 == Message.objects.count() message = Message.objects.first() assert 1 == message.mail_set.count() mail = message.mail_set.first() assert 4 == mail.mailfield_set.count() assert { 'description': '2 of 3 instalments', 'enrol_description': '1 x Apple @ 100.00', 'name': enrol.checkout_name, 'total': '£{:.2f}'.format(Decimal('50.00')), } == {f.key: f.value for f in mail.mailfield_set.all()} Maintenance ----------- .. warning:: Only run the following command on a test site. It will **mark all emails as sent** (which you wouldn't want on a live site)! This will mark **all emails as sent**:: from django.utils import timezone from mail.models import Mail Mail.objects.filter(sent__isnull=True).update( Mandrill ======== Mandrill Requirements --------------------- Add the following to ``requirements/base.txt``:: djrill== See :doc:`dev-requirements` for the current version... .. note:: We have started using `django-anymail`_ for :doc:`sys-sparkpost`. It would probably be a good idea to replace ``djrill`` with `django-anymail`_ at some stage (for more information, see :doc:`sys-sparkpost`). Mandrill Settings ----------------- Add the following to ``settings/``:: # mandrill EMAIL_BACKEND = 'djrill.mail.backends.djrill.DjrillBackend' MANDRILL_API_KEY = get_env_variable('MANDRILL_API_KEY') MANDRILL_USER_NAME = get_env_variable('MANDRILL_USER_NAME') .. warning:: Don't forget to set the ``EMAIL_BACKEND`` to use Mandrill. Mandrill Development -------------------- For Mandrill add the following to your ``.private`` file e.g: .. code-block:: bash export MANDRILL_API_KEY="your-api-key" export MANDRILL_USER_NAME="" Mandrill Deploy --------------- In the salt pillar ``sls`` file for your site, add the ``mandrill_api_key`` and ``mandrill_user_name`` e.g:: sites: my_site: celery: True env: mail_template_type: <'sparkpost' | 'mandrill' | 'django'> mandrill_api_key: your-api-key mandrill_user_name: .. _mandrill_template: Mandrill Template ----------------- .. tip:: The example_mail_template_ management command has some sample code showing the following features. Mandrill Templates are usually designed in MailChimp and then *Sent to Mandrill*. When you `Queue an email template`_, you can add variables to the templates. To add line breaks to these variables:: context={ "": { "COLOURS": "1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue", You can also add HTML links:: context={ "": { "ACTION": 'Click here!', .. tip:: The ``mc:disable-tracking`` attribute prevents click tracking and makes the generated HTML much easier to read (from `Can I disable click-tracking on selected links in my email?`_). .. warning:: For some reason HTML links do not work when loaded from the Mandrill *View content* option in *Outbound*, *Activity*. I am hoping they work when the email is live! To disable tracking in a MailChimp template: Click the chevron icon ``<>``. Add ``mc:disable-tracking`` to the anchor tag e.g. .. image:: ./misc/mailchimp-click-tracking.png The variable name for unsubscribe is ``UNSUB``: .. code-block:: html To unsubscribe from this list click here...
SMTP ==== SparkPost --------- - :ref:`mail-sparkpost-smtp` Google Mail ----------- `SMTP settings to send mail from a printer, scanner, or app`_: .. image:: ./misc/mail-google-smtp-relay-service.png .. note:: I failed to get this working for several days. It finally worked when I set *Require TLS encryption:* to **No**. I then realised that ``EMAIL_USE_TLS`` was not in setttings, so it was defaulting to ``False``. Add the following to ``settings/``:: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' EMAIL_HOST = '' EMAIL_HOST_USER = get_env_variable('EMAIL_HOST_USER') EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True Standard SMTP ------------- :: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' EMAIL_HOST = get_env_variable('EMAIL_HOST') EMAIL_HOST_USER = get_env_variable('EMAIL_HOST_USER') EMAIL_PORT = int(get_env_variable('EMAIL_PORT')) EMAIL_USE_TLS = get_env_variable_bool('EMAIL_USE_TLS') SparkPost ========= .. tip:: We have started using `django-anymail`_ instead of ``sparkpost`` to `allow use of the EU account`_ and to `add track options`_. Links - :ref:`sparkpost_blacklist` SparkPost Requirements ---------------------- Add the following to ``requirements/base.txt``:: sparkpost== See :doc:`dev-requirements` for the current version. SparkPost Settings ------------------ Add the following to ``settings/``:: # sparkpost EMAIL_BACKEND = 'sparkpost.django.email_backend.SparkPostEmailBackend' SPARKPOST_API_KEY = get_env_variable('SPARKPOST_API_KEY') SPARKPOST_OPTIONS = { 'track_opens': False, # or True as required 'track_clicks': False, # or True as required 'transactional': True, } SparkPost Development --------------------- Add the following to your ``.private`` file e.g: .. code-block:: bash export SPARKPOST_API_KEY="your-api-key" SparkPost Deploy ---------------- In the salt pillar ``sls`` file for your site add the ``sparkpost_api_key`` e.g:: sites: my_site: celery: True env: mail_template_type: <'sparkpost' | 'mandrill' | 'django'> sparkpost_api_key: your-api-key .. tip:: :doc:`sys-sparkpost` for API, Domains and SMTP Convert from Mandrill --------------------- In ``requirements/base.txt`` include the line:: sparkpost== e.g. at the time of writing the latest version is 1.3.0:: sparkpost==1.3.0 If mandrill was previously used remove the line:: djrill==2.1.0 In your ``.private`` file for the project include the lines:: export SPARKPOST_API_KEY='' unset MANDRILL_API_KEY unset MANDRILL_USER_NAME If mandrill was previously included in your project remove the lines:: export MANDRILL_API_KEY='' export MANDRILL_USER_NAME='' In ``settings/`` include the line:: DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '' EMAIL_BACKEND = 'sparkpost.django.email_backend.SparkPostEmailBackend' SPARKPOST_API_KEY = get_env_variable('SPARKPOST_API_KEY') SPARKPOST_OPTIONS = { 'track_opens': False, # or True as required 'track_clicks': False, # or True as required 'transactional': True, } If mandrill was previously included in the project remove the lines (search for ``EMAIL_BACKEND`` in the settings directory to make sure you get all occurances):: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'djrill.mail.backends.djrill.DjrillBackend' MANDRILL_API_KEY = get_env_variable('MANDRILL_API_KEY') MANDRILL_USER_NAME = get_env_variable('MANDRILL_USER_NAME') In ``settings/`` alter the ``THIRD_PARTY_APPS`` (included in ``INSTALLED_APPS``) to include the ``sparkpost`` app for example:: THIRD_PARTY_APPS = ( 'easy_thumbnails', 'reversion', 'captcha', 'sparkpost', ) If mandrill was previously used in a the project remove the following line from ``THIRD_PARTY_APPS``:: 'djrill', Tips ==== Celery (or cron) ---------------- If you are **not** using Celery add the the ``mail_send`` cron command e.g:: sites: my_site: celery: True cron: mail_send: schedule: "*/5 * * * *" env: mail_template_type: <'sparkpost' | 'mandrill' | 'django'> sparkpost_api_key: your-api-key Password Reset -------------- When testing the password reset workflow, make sure you use a valid email address for a user. On the standard demo data, this will be ```` .. _`add track options`: .. _`allow use of the EU account`: .. _`Can I disable click-tracking on selected links in my email?`: .. _`django-anymail`: .. _`SMTP settings to send mail from a printer, scanner, or app`: .. _example_mail_template: