

For a standard release, follow this checklist:

  1. Commit your code.

  2. Check your code formatting (using black for python).

  3. git pull

  4. Check your branch.

  5. (If you are on a branch, you might want to) merge master.

  6. pytest -x

  7. Release your code…



The release process supports GIT (and used to support Mercurial).

The fabric release task will deploy your module to a package index of your choice (e.g. dev). For details on setting up your own package index, see the devpi documentation.


This task prefixes your application name with a name of your choosing. This prevents name clashes with other packages on the python package index (PyPI).

I recommend choosing a short version of your company name e.g. kb:


Set-up your ~/.pypirc file or release will fail. See .pypirc for details.

Start by committing your code to the version control system.

Check you don’t have any missing migrations (from Checking that Django has all migrations): makemigrations --check --dry-run --settings=settings.dev_test > /dev/null || echo "Missing migrations."

Release the module and upload to your package index. In this first example, we switch to the fabric virtual environment which is using python (fabric is currently not compatible with python 3):

cd /your/project/folder/
source ~/dev/module/fabric/venv-fabric/bin/activate && \
    fab -f ../../module/fabric/ dist:prefix=kb,pypirc=dev && \
    cd .

Or for the fish shell:

source ~/dev/module/fabric/venv-fabric/bin/; and fab -f ../../module/fabric/ dist:prefix=kb,pypirc=dev;

If this is the first time you have released this package then the upload will fail. You need to run the following before running the release command again:

devpi login kb --password "123"
# devpi use --set-cfg kb/dev
devpi upload


see devpi for help with the above commands.


Don’t forget to commit your code to the version control system after running this task

Click here for Deploy instructions…

To check the contents of the release:

tar -ztvf dist/kb-app-name-0.0.16.tar.gz


The release process removes underscores from the package name, so if your package is called app_name it will be changed to app-name. I don’t really understand why this is necessary, but the following links might be useful.


If you want to include data files in your release e.g. name.json, then put them in a data folder inside an app folder in your project e.g:



Running the fabric command:

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/command/", line 70, in upload_file
raise AssertionError("unsupported schema " + schema)
AssertionError: unsupported schema
Fatal error: local() encountered an error (return code 1) while executing 'python clean sdist upload -r dev'

To solve this issue, create your ~/.pypirc file. See .pypirc for details.