
The work app is our generic extension to the workflow app. The Flow database model is a link to the Flowable process.


The workflow app (Apps) is not used to control access to the REST / Ember API (Ticket 5555).

For now, the App model is just used to help people find their way to the Ember app.


Add the apiUrl variable to the start process of the workflow. This will add the URL of the API to the variables for the process.

Create Workflow

Use a script task to set the following parameters:

var ObjectMapper = com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

var data = {};
data.processKey = "navigatorTrainingTwo";
data.processId = execution.getProcessInstanceId();
# comma separated list of user IDs e.g. '1,2,3'
data.userPks = execution.getVariable("userPk");

var httpTaskData = JSON.stringify(data);
var json = new ObjectMapper().readTree(httpTaskData);
execution.setVariable("httpTaskData", json);]]></script>


Additional variables will be added to the new workflow (if they are included in the start event).

POST to this URL in an HTTP task:


Refresh Workflow

Update the workflow variables. Useful for long running process where information may change over time e.g. the manager for an employee.

PUT to this URL in an HTTP task:



To create a workflow: http://localhost:8000/work/create/

Ember vs Django

The BPMN (XML) file includes a formKey e.g:


The value of the formKey is processed by the build_django_url function in workflow/ to determine if the task form should be displayed using Django or Ember.


The build_django_url function in workflow/ decides whether to use Django or Ember for the task form.

The work app has a work URL name which can be used to display a task using a Django form.


To use an Ember form to process a task, set the formKey to an empty string.


The information returned from build_django_url (see above) is passed to Ember via the API, so the following may no longer be useful (or may need to be updated) (PJK 17/05/2023).

The Task::List::TaskUrl component decides whether to use Django or Ember for a task:



If the task should be handled by Ember, is_work will be true.

When the task is completed, we redirect to the next task. The code for handling this is taskRedirectTask in:


To handle all tasks using the Ember UI:

  1. Remove else from task-url.hbs

  2. Update taskRedirectTask so all tasks transitionToRoute.

  3. Remove {{#if task.is_work}} from addon/templates/task/form.hbs.


13/10/2023, Our task/form/str component has support for Markdown in the help text, but has not been added elsewhere (yet) For more information, see Markdown.