KB Software Documentation
Our aim is to create simple step-by-step documentation for implementing a feature or service.
The notes do not usually try and explain the reason why (or alternative strategies). They will assume competency in development, the linux command line and sys-admin.
From What nobody tells you about documentation. We are writing How-To Guides, so they are:
is goal-oriented
shows how to solve a specific problem
is a series of steps
Analogy: a recipe in a cookery book
(A copy of this document can be found here:
The YouTube video from PyCON UK 2017, Docs or it didn’t happen is very useful.
Customer Support
System Administration
- Alfresco Community Edition
- Backup
- Backup Dropbox
- Cache
- Site - Configuration
- Pillar
- Rename a Digital Ocean droplet
- Site Maintenance Mode
- Authentication
- Celery (using Redis)
- Firewall
- Mailgun
- Maintenance
- Restore (as a task)
- Create SSL Certificate
- Obtain and configure ssl certificate on nginx with letsencrypt
- Remove a site from a server
Development - Django
- Journal
- Learning
- APScheduler (with Redis)
- Development Environment
- Captcha
- Chosen - Select Box
- CKEditor
- CodeMirror Editor
- Cookie Confirm
- Debug
- Django Debug Toolbar
- Dramatiq (using Redis)
- ElasticSearch
- Deploy a project for the first time
- Fish Shell
- Flowable Development
- git
- GitLab
- grunt
- Google Development
- Logging
- Magento XMLRPC API
- Move a site from Sqlite to Postgresql
- Pagination
- PDF Object
- pytest
- Requirements
- Restore
- S3
- sass
- Scripts to aid the development process
- Shiny
- SiteMap
- Social
- Tailwind
- Tailwind and Ember
- Tailwind UI
- Testing
- Time zones
- Wagtail
- WordPress - Development
- Web Fonts and favicons
- Domain
Ember Development
- api
- Apps
- base
- block
- Blog
- booking
- Chat
- Checkout (with Stripe SCA)
- compose
- Contact
- crm
- enquiry
- Finance
- Image Gallery
- invoice
- Job
- login
- Magento App
- MailChimp
- Mandrill (do not use)
- Monitor
- Microsoft Graph
- OnBuy
- Pipeline
- Q and A
- Record Management
- Report
- Sales Order
- search
- Veeqo
- WooCommerce
- Work
- Workflow
- Xero App
Detailed Notes
Old Notes
- Checkout (before Stripe SCA)
- pay
- Old Activiti Notes
- Adding Angular to Django Project
- Backup
- Development with Docker
- Kubernetes (for development)
- Old Notes
- Database
- Files
- Backup
- Monitor
- Restore - Server
- Amazon
- Amazon Database
- Amazon S3
- Digital Ocean
- Salt Cloud - Install (Legacy Notes)
- Rackspace
- Salt Masterless
- Backup (Old Notes)
- ownCloud
- WordPress (Old Notes)